
发布时间:2023-03-15 00:17:55 阅读:138 点赞:0

关于”和西方教育不同“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Differences beeen Chinese and Western Education。以下是关于和西方教育不同xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Differences beeen Chinese and Western Education

Western education is a kind of tal education, which allows students to try to expeence, find difficulties in the expeence, and then find pblems. The examination conclusion accumulated by students themselves in solving difficulties is the result of students really masteng their own knowledge. Chinese education is a aftertaste compulsory education.

Adult expeence tells students that first, let students learn step by step under the guidance of teachers Practice, and then come to the conclusion that book knowledge, the result is often difficult to jump out of the existing fixed mode.




In recent decades, Chinese education has been cticized. More and families choose to send their children abad if they have money. There is no dou that forei education has many advantages, but the advantages of o education have been iored.

I read an article about a girl studying abad in high school. She made such a choice bee she belid that when she got there, forei education would be easy. She found it difficult to get used to this teaching method.

Mathemati was her dominant subject, while humanities was her major To her diay, the girl's father instructed her to read rything, all kinds of histocal mateals and she spent a lot of time learning. Finally, ry teacher spoke highly of the girl many readers felt the advantages of western education fm this story, but in fact, Chinese education laid the foundation for her forei education, her wting ability and her knowledge of mathemati were due to the family Learning, so family learning and forei education have good aspects..


近几xx年来,教育一直饱受诟病,越来越多家庭选择把孩子送到国外去,如果他们有钱话。毫无疑问,国外教育有很多优点,而我们教育优点却一直被忽视,我读到一篇关于一个女孩在高中期间出国留学文章,她做出这样选择是因为她相信当她到了那里时候外国教育一定很容易,她发现很难习惯这种教学方法她数学是她优势学科,而人文学科让她很沮丧女孩指导她阅读所有东西各种史料和她花了很多时间学习最后,每个老师都对这个女孩给予了高度评价 许多读者从这个故事中感受到了西方教育优势,但事实上,教育为她外国教育奠定了基,她写作能力和她数学知识由于家庭学习,所以家庭学习和外国教育都有好方面。。


Chinese is not a language, but many different versions or dialects, including Wu language, Cantonese Language and Northern Chinese in Taiwan, also known as Putonghua. It is the mother tongue of Chinese speakers and the recoized wtten language of all Chinese belonging to o different language families. There are many siificant differences beeen English and Chinese, which makes English learning a seous challenge for native Chinese.



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