
发布时间:2023-06-11 08:16:49 阅读:84 点赞:0

关于”中秋节来源“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Soce of Mid Autumn Festival。以下是关于中秋节来源xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Soce of Mid Autumn Festival

There are many fastidious things in weekdays. The story of the Mid Autumn Festival is recorded in the histocal records: "the Empress Dowager of Xichang took a medicine after she died, and then she was fined." Chang'e paid the pce for the result of unpunished forced labor and the faile to retn Li Bai's life. She wte a poem: "the rabbit cuts off the tumn color of Fuc, and the in lived alone in the neighborhood." Chang'e felt that the Moon Palace was good, but But we must retn to the Moon Palace before dawn.

Ding the Mid Autumn Festival, we want to go to the moon and Chang'e, and hope that Chang'e will come down to the earth. Therefore, many people worship the moon in Fenxiang, praying that "the men are willing to retreat to the Zen palace, and the women are willing to go up to Xiangui." they look at Chang'e, the bght moon after the moon "Year after year, people celebrate this day as a festival day. Some people think that the beginning of the Mid Autumn Festival of the Tang Dynasty is the beginning of the full moon of the Tang Dynasty." Kaiyuan Yishi "records that in the tumn leaves, Emper Yang Ckai of the Tang Dynasty played in the downstream and swam to Xing.

After they simply boarded the Moon Palace, Tang Minghuang also learned the second part of the Moon Palace," nisanhagolo ", and later added credibility At this time of year, people who need a full moon should follow suit. It has become a tradition to get together at the full moon to appreciate the bety of the world in time. It has also been pposed that the ogin of the Mid Autumn Festival and agcultal pduction is tumn, which is the harvest season.

The word "tumn" means that cps are mate in mid August, All kinds of fruit cps are mate. In order to celebrate the harvest, farmers express their joy. "Moonlight" is a festival, "Moonlight" is the middle meaning of tumn.

In China, the middle of August is the month, and the month is the middle of the day.




For Chinese, the Mid Autumn Festival means family reunion and peace. The Mid Autumn Festival is celebrated when the Chinese think the moon is the biggest and the undest. The full moon is a symbol of pspety, happiness and family reunion.

4 becse traditional and meaningful celebrations are held in most families in China, the main traditions and celebrations in China's neighbong countes include eating moon cakes, having dinner with family members, enjoying the moon and lighting lanterns.



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