
发布时间:2023-03-20 04:43:54 阅读:107 点赞:0

关于”坏餐桌礼仪“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Bad table manners。以下是关于坏餐桌礼仪高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Bad table manners

When you are invited to a meal, you should have a pper sitting poste according to the table manners. If you sit up straight, you can't tilt on the chair to invite someone to come, becse you are not only a person waiting for the table, you can't use bowl or spoon when you are serving a spoon, don't put the spoon in yo mouth, don't talk, don't make noise, if you bng a pot, don't dnk water, becse it's for washing hands.




French table manners French table manners are very different fm those in China. For example, you shouldn't put bread on the plate, you should put it on the table. I think it's strange that you should not eat anything with yo hands except bread, or n fruit (you have to chop it up and eat it with a fork.

Another thing is that you are full if you don't want food You should say "delicious" and it's impolite to put yo hands on yo thighs. You should always keep yo hands but not yo elbows. As you can see, French table manners are very different.




Foth, if a guest or an elder gives a dish, it's best to use chopsticks, and you can also bng the food far away fm the guest or the elder to him. According to the custom of the Chinese nation, the dish is a kind of supeor. If the leaders of the same table, the old people and the guests say a new dish each time, let them first tate the dish or ask them to come to dongkuazi first to show the importance of one fifth: eating head and fish Bone, bone and other things, don't flinch, don't lie on the gund and slowly take it into the fold, or close it by yoself or close it on the paper prepared by kanzhuo.

Article 6: make an appointment with time and people in time. It's only a few humous words. You should reconcile the atmosphere, light yo head, don't eat, regardless of others, don't swallow and desty the big meal.

If you don't go to pson, you'd better not go to the dining table, If it's for Tiya, the napkin or logo will be used to block the mouth and clear the main task of eating. The emotional oentation of doing business must be clearly defined, or the main contact or eating should be given poty to. If it is the former, attention should be paid to the seat arrangement.

Their main negotiators should be close to each other's seats to facilitate the conversation or to dredge their emotions. If so, only common sense should be paid afterwards We should pay attention to the appreciation of dishes,.



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