
发布时间:2023-10-11 05:22:26 阅读:117 点赞:0

关于”节好处“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Holiday benefits。以下是关于节好处高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Holiday benefits

Looking at China's reform and opening up, under the planned economic , China has implemented the traditional social welfare , which presents a dual mode of supply and full of welfare. This welfare mode is the division of ban and ral dual economic , which adapts to the majoty of ban residents who are working. They implement the supply of welfare .

In the era of planned economy, the state won In contrast to the end of the centy, China's reform and opening-up has entered a new histocal peod. In order to adapt to the continuous changes in the social and economic structe, the social welfare has entered the middle of the centy, embarked on the reform today, and has begun to form a set of "social" in the field of social welfare The reform ideas, pnciples and policies of "social welfare socialization" were clearly put forward at the national social work conference at the beginning of the centy. In practice, the social welfare society was atically elaborated.

The oginal performance was the charactesti of social relief and the government arrangement, which only paid social welfare to the government for "three no" objects and "Five Guarantees" mode This, the whole society establishes the social welfare type society to have the entire citizen's demand, the welfare orization fm the -oented operation new social welfare pattern this pcess fm the national social welfare orization reform initiator, then to all citizen's community , then gradually formed one kind of social welfare social idea.




2:假期福利,It is said that in important festivals, highways can be free of charge, minibuses and vehicles with the most seats can be fm: the first day to: the last days of the Spng Festival, tomb day, international labor day and national day. Some people agree with this regulation, becse it will reduce travel. In my opinion, this is good news for pvate car owners, not only can they be on holiday It's convenient to travel and stimulate economic gwth, but in my opinion, it may lead to traffic jams and other side effects.

The government needs to make detailed plans and consider the impvement comprehensively to make the policy sustainable.




3:节好处,I think agers should volunteer time to others. This volunteer work takes us sn hos a week, so it's a pmise that you can pick up garbage in parks or other public places, you can visit sick children in hospitals, you can sing for a gup of old people, and I hope you can be a volunteer today.



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