
发布时间:2023-11-26 09:06:26 阅读:29 点赞:0

关于”电脑怎么说“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:What about the comr。以下是关于电脑怎么说xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What about the comr

The comr is regarded as one of the most important inventions of this centy. With the rapid dlopment of science and technolo, it has bught a lot of changes to the world. More and people have their own personal comrs.

It can not only calculate at a high speed, but also get information fm the outside world. Comrs play a very important le in o daily life. They can do a lot of things online, and you can find the answer to yo questions, You can shop online without going out.

Comrs pvide us with many conveniences. There is no dou that people can use comrs to live a better life. Some people worry that one day comrs will replace human beings, and most people will lose their jobs.

But I think comrs can not replace us, that is, comrs can take over some difficult jobs that we can't do. They are just for us Machines will nr replace humans.




Recall: I can recall a man's face, poor mother's yearning memoes of her lost youth. This place reminds me of her memoes of how long he left early. Try to remember what happened and wake up his painful memoes of the past.

How far do you go back.




With the rapid dlopment of economy, ry family's economic conditions are better, comrs, and then into o lives of most families on the comr, so, the advantages and disadvantages of the neork let people notice, let us do a short levy: if there is something we don't understand, we can find information on the Internet, just like a universal dictionary, no matter what pblems we encounter To solve this pblem, if you want to communicate with distant relatives and fends, you can email very slowly and very expensive, long-distance calls don't be afraid, as long as we open the comr, all the way in, you can chat on QQ, you can send e-mail, etc. if you are not happy and want to feel better, you can watch cartoons on the Internet, listen to soothing music, if you are like a wter's work, but you I haven't bought it. Every big bookstore nd me doesn't have to worry.

There is a comr in it. You can read the works of the thor on the Internet. It costs no money and can keep it for a long time.

Therefore, the le of comr in o life is irreplaceable and endless. Then we should descbe the disadvantages of comr neork, which is "thugh" to agers Teers are easily exposed to capitalist rhetoc and cultal concepts fm the Internet. They are confused in their ideas, full of contradictions, biased outlook on life and values, wholesale westernization, hedoni, money worship, etc.

if they spend too much time online, they may have a vaety of diseases, such as eye diseases, light people with high myopia, and lumbar strain in people with weight loss Becse of joint pain, if you can't keep yo waist, you will have weak language function, and people will become silent. Therefore, we should contl the time of sfing the Internet, instead of completing the s played by s. The comr neork will serve us.



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