
发布时间:2024-01-17 05:43:11 阅读:48 点赞:0

关于”邀请晚宴邀请函“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Invitation to dinner。以下是关于邀请晚宴邀请函xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invitation to dinner

+We will hold this nt to commemorate you and to meet with you. I'm honored to have dinner with you. We sincerely hope you can attend.

You will be my most respected guest. Please come and confirm yo participation as soon as possible. If you decide to come, please let me know as soon as possible.

I will be very happy to be of to you. I am wting to invite you to participate in some questions you may want to know. First of all, we will have many activities that you are interested in.

Secondly, I beli you will be interested in one thing or another. Since it is about to start, may I look forward to yo coming.






Hi, I've read joney to the West these days. I like monkey king very much. Do you like his plan to go to Huaguo Mountain? The hometown of Monkey King is in Lianyung, which is close to the sea.

I can spend o days in the first day, climb mountains and swim in the sea. I beli we will enjoy this tp very much. If you are interested in this tp, please call me, I don't know.




Dear Lucy I'm Li Hua, a ager in yo school, I'd like to invite you to join us in the nearby sanatoum for the Double Ninth Festival next Satday. This is the old people's day in o culte. Some details about the nt are as follows: we will go to make dumplings with the elderly there.

In addition, there will be some activities, such as singing, dancing and playing s. We hope to make them happy. We expect to be back aund 4 p.m.

If you can confirm yo participation as soon as possible at yo convenience, we will wait for you at the school gate in the morning. We hope you can accept o invitation and look forward to yo arval if it is convenient for you. I am Wang Ming fm Xingguang middle school, President of student union.

We are holding a spse party. We would like to invite you to join o ongoing pject We think it would be a good idea if you could join us. Here are some details about the nt / here are some details about the nt.

In addition, we will hold many activities, for example, I will hold many activities. We would appreciate it if you would accept my invitation. We hope you will accept o invitation at yo convenience: https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/png/0.


亲爱Lucy I'mLi Hua,一位正在贵校读书十几岁年轻人,我想邀请你下周六和我们一起去附近疗养院参加重阳节。这是我们文化中老年人节。关于这个活动一些细节如下:我们将和那里老年人一起去包饺子此外,还将举行一些活动,如唱歌、跳舞和玩游戏,我们希望能让他们高兴,我们预计下午4点左右回来。



标签: 女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  留学生英文名  宠物英文名 

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