
发布时间:2023-06-10 08:32:14 阅读:87 点赞:0

关于”会议及“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Of the meeting and。以下是关于会议及初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Of the meeting and

Form information meeting ppose list meeting type meeting budget meeting brainstorming meeting board meeting commi meeting action meeting befing meeting meeting ppose, agenda, plan and solving pblems time, place, date, place and time of participants meeting notice minutes guest speaker facilities and equipment tea decoration good morning / afternoon, ryone Please join me in welcoming the names of the participants. We are very happy to welcome the names of the participants. We are here today.

I want to make se that we intduce the first on the agenda, so let's start fm the beginning. I suggest that we start with the end of a pject, which I think can handle the first Now, let's give this pject to the next participant, and I want to give it to the person in charge of the next pject. The names of the participants will take us to finish the summary.

Before today's meeting, let me summaze the main points. Let me quickly review today's main points. Well, it seems that we have discussed the main pject.

If there are no other opinions, I would like to end this meeting It's over. O next meeting is over.




Please note that I announce that the student union will hold a party on August Satday ning to welcome fends fm the United States. The party will be held in the of garden of the main building. In the afternoon, there will be music, dance, singing, s and exchanging gifts.

Please bng a all gift. Remember to wrap it up, si yo name and wte a few words of blessing. Don't forget: there will be a lot of fun in the of garden of the main building on Satday night.





The second chapter lists and yzes the international conventions, domestic laws, istrative regulations, meeting minutes and other relevant pvisions of orizing the general 's meeting, compiling, tracking and conducting other special seminars of the general 's meeting.



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