
发布时间:2022-10-27 04:09:20 阅读:144 点赞:0

关于”人生意义提纲“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Outline of the meaning of life。以下是关于人生意义提纲专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Outline of the meaning of life

A long time ago, an emper told his cavalry that if he could get on his horse and cover all the land he liked, the emper would give him enough land for the der to jump on his horse quickly, de as fast as possible, de as fast as possible, whip the horse as fast as possible. When he was gry or tired, he didn't stop becse he wanted to cover as much area as possible. Finally, when the der reached a point where he had covered a lot of land, but he was exhsted, dainger asked himself, "why do I try so hard to cover so much land, and now I'm dying, I just need a all place to by myself." the above story is similar to the joney of o lives.

We stve to get money ry day With power and recoition, we neglect o health. One day, when we look back on the past, we will realize that we don't really need so much, but we can't waste o time on the things we miss, relax, do what you want to do and enjoy nate. Life is fragile, life is short.

Don't think of life as a balanced way of life. Enjoy life.





A long time ago, life was than work. An emper told his der that if he could de his horse and cover all the land he wanted to cover, the emper would give him enough land area. The der quickly jumped on his horse and de to the land he could cover as quickly as possible.

He kept ding and whipping the horse to make it as fast as possible Run. When he was gry or tired, he didn't stop becse he wanted to cover as many areas as possible. Finally, when the der reaches a point where he has covered a fairly large area, but is exhsted, deinher asks himself, "why should I try so hard to cover so much land, and now I'm dying, I just need a all place to by myself." the above story is similar to o life cose, and we are stving for money ry day To gain power and recoition, we neglect o health.

One day, when we look back on the past, we will realize that we don't need so much, but we can't let the time flow back to the things we miss. Take yo time, do what you want to do, appreciate the nate. Life is fragile.

Life is short. Don't think of life as a balance Lifestyle, enjoy life,.




Fm the picte, we can see that the Internet connects human society, but unfortunately, many obstacles limit people to their own . It is undeniable that the Internet has changed people's way of life thugh vaous pgrams such as instant messaging, online community, mic blog and so on. We can communicate almost anytime and anywhere.

Howr, although it is very convenient, we find that the distance beeen people is getting and distant. Now children often play tablet comrs, not in my opinion. We should use the Internet reasonably and keep in mind Real life is real.

We should use o voice to talk to them, instead of pmpting them on the phone. We should pass this idea on to the younger generation.



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