
发布时间:2023-05-05 00:37:55 阅读:139 点赞:0

关于”成关键“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The key to success。以下是关于成关键高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The key to success

What is the key to success? I think the answer may not be the only one. Different people have different ideas. Everyone hopes to succeed in life.

It is generally belid that some people are born lucky to succeed becse they have high intelligence quotient, but this is not true. High IQ does not mean success. Success lies in not only intellectual factors, but also non intellectual factors.




Lin Zhenhua, a science student fm Hefei No.1 middle school, is the first one in the city. His parents are junior high school graduates. They seldom watch TV.

They often encoage him to join in playing the violin and practicing calligraphy. Besides living with his grandparents, three generations are in harmony, which lays the foundation for Lin Zhenhua's success. Another reason for Lin Zhenhua's success is that he not only has a art teacher, but also has a sense of responsibility.

Zhang Keyun accidentally bke his ght arm and insisted on tning the book with his left hand. Lin Da was moved. Fm then on, he won the teacher's sense of responsibility and responsibility.

There are o ways to listen to the class, one is to take notes while the other is to just listen without him, wte down the main points in his notebook and reply after class or before tea Xi. Lin Zhenhua said: "I nr leave today's work for tomorw." maybe this is the key to his success.




What is the definition of a succesul person? Most people think that the money they have, the succesul they will be. But the real success is not money at all, but the value d by him to achi o goals. The first thing we should do is to find o own position and not follow the stream.

Becse beeen millies and farmers, you are easy to lose yoself and don't know what you want to do, so ryone will think that The former is succesul, while the latter is not. But if they like what they do, or if millies are upset, and farmers are satiied with their lives, then both equal value. When you find yo place, farmers will be succesul, and then continue to move forward and nr give up.

No matter what difficulties they encounter, success is on the ad.



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