
发布时间:2023-05-16 04:05:10 阅读:58 点赞:0

关于”介绍家乡特产或工艺品“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Intduce local specialties or handicrafts。以下是关于介绍家乡特产或工艺品八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce local specialties or handicrafts

After the Han Dynasty became the main form of Chinese traditional paper-cut art, it became one of the main forms of Chinese traditional paper-cut art. At that time, people were very popular n in the yal family. Women also judged most paper-cut artists by their paper-cut ability.

The themes of their works usually included rything in people's daily life, fm mute to sunding envinment Familiaty makes them understand the true spit of art is the main tool. Paper cutting is scissors. Once owned by a of paper cutting, they will become so supernatal that the paper cutting beyond imagination will flow out of his / her hands in the click of ordinary scissors.

Another tool for paper cutting is the carving knife, which is necessary to enhance the sharpening effect or make fine work. There is no dou that art oginates fm life and serves life. Paper cutting is very popular in the countryside.

The bght red, green or light blue paper cutting can set off a happy atmosphere. Therefore, in Chinese weddings or festivals, people like to decorate doors and windows with colorful paper cuts. Here are some paper cuts that live a long life, such as crane pine tree, Zhong Kui, lotus flower, fish, and couple playing with pearls http://chinesecculteaboutc om/library/weekly/aaahtm.




The extensive painting with natal lacquer painting as the main mateal refers to the painting of all mateals using paints of vaous mateals, such as gold, silver, lead, tin and shells, shells, stones, wood, etc. besides the vermilion paint, there are also painting techniques such as yellow, titanium dioxide, titanium blue, titanium green, etc. according to the different techniques, carving lacquer can be divided into lacquer, sand paint, lacquer, inlay, etc Different kinds of lacquer paintings and crafts such as lacquer and gund lacquer have dual attbutes.

They can be made by independent painters and paid by artists to workers. They are art. They are practical accessoes closely related to people's lives.

They have become the largest paint pducing country in the world for decorative walls, screens and mals. Most countes have coatings. Zhejiang Pvince has a long history of lacquer painting Zhu qiwan was discovered at Hemudu site in jianuyao.

He once unearthed lacquer painting ting, Joseph, and snake fige painting in Guanlong, Xinyang, Henan Pvince. He also has many years of history. The lacquer painting of Mawangdui Han Dynasty unearthed in Changsha, Hunan Pvince, the lacquer painting of Sima Jinlong tomb in Datong, Shanxi Pvince, and a large number of screen paint in Ming and Qing Dynasties are a new kind of dlopment based on the traditional painting of modern Chinese lacquer painting Fm the same year of the first Chinese lacquer painting exhibition held in Beijing in the 10s, the Chinese lacquer painting exhibition orized by the Ministry of culte of the people's Republic of China and exhibited in the Soviet Union were mostly concentrated in Fujian, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Guangdong, Tianjin and other places, Jiangsu Pvince and Beijing Pvince.




Descbe the handicrafts I made when I was a child. I was very interested in things with ryday mateals, such as paper, wood, glass, etc. I remember that the first thing I did was a paper aie.

My mother tght me how to do it. All I needed was a piece of paper. Later, I drew rabbits, birds, fish, flowers and so on with my colored pencil.

I drew rabbits, birds, fish, flowers and so on, and let my plane take them to the sky I n tied all my aies to the ceiling with pes. Fm then on, I be to learn how to make a lot of other things with paper. Although the paper plane is the st ogami I I've r made, and perhaps the most compact ogami I I've r made, it's still my favote one.

Now that I've gwn up, it reminds me of the wonderful time I spent with my mother when I was a child It also reminds me of what my mother always said to me: today, when I have a piece of paper in my hand, I will tomatically fold an aie and recall my betiful childhood.



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