
发布时间:2024-03-11 18:36:17 阅读:303 点赞:0

关于”我为我国家感到骄傲“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:I am pud of my country。以下是关于我为我国家感到骄傲四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I am pud of my country

Everyone is in tuble, so what you need most is the of others. If ryone can contbute a little love, you won't be anxious to see others get . In the face of obo, we should take them as an example and him.

Lei Feng of the PLA should be o example. Although it was accidental at a very young age, he gave his own life At the moment of great life and death, a gloous Uncle Lei Feng has a lot of good deeds, just like a good seat. When Lei Feng's uncle was training on the train, he found an old lady anxious and restless.

Lei Feng's uncle walked by slowly and asked, "old lady, what can I do for you?" the old lady still wored and said, "I understand. He said that he would look for Lei Feng with the ticket Uncle, did not have a ticket to go quickly, and bought a ticket for the old lady, the old lady was very grateful to him. Some passengers said he was "fool" uncle, Lei Feng said with a ile: "I prefer to be such a fool." Lei Feng's uncle, but he often does not often do a good thing.

Once he was Lei Feng's old uncle, he ed push the cart. His car was tired after work. The old nse just wanted to thank him and asked, "what's yo name What's the name, please? "Lei Feng's uncle said with a ile:" I'm old, people still worship.

"With that, Jordan ran. If ryone is as ful as Lei Feng's uncle, it's like gold thread that connects rything together. The most betiful and precious is the necklace.

It doesn't mean that God has given us a love, becse it's inexhstible, and it will make people happy I think you're good at squandeng yo love.




School is like my home. I love my home on campus in the warm family of school, teachers care about o students like mothers and each other like bthers and sisters. Here, we gw up happily, and ryone can't have a happy heart in the morning, the flowers and trees in the flower bed all open their iling faces, as if to say my words: "in my life, my children, my children, my children Children.

" Children, I wish you success, "here, I and my clasates happily learn to fly", "I love the blind, blind love me" this is my favote word, Venus bght light, just like my heart, I learned knowledge, understand the world, if I enter the University, I will always remember the blind school, the blind school came, remember ry teacher, I love the blind and I also like to thank the enlightened people. In the fute, I will work harder to add luster to the blind and make Venus dazzling.


学校就像我家,我爱我家在校园里 在学校这个温暖家庭里,老师们像一样关心我们学生,像兄弟姐妹一样互相帮助,在这里,我们快乐地成长,每个人都不能有一颗快乐心 早晨,花坛里花木都张开了他们笑脸,仿佛在说我话:“在我生命里,我孩子们,我孩子们,我孩子们。”孩子们,我祝你成,“在这里,我和同学们一起快乐地学着飞翔”“我爱瞎子,瞎爱我”这是我最喜欢一个词金星金星明亮光芒,就像我心一样,我学到了更多知识,了解了这个世界,如果上了大学,我会永远记得盲校,盲校来了记住每一位老师,都是他们夜夜辛勤劳作对我严格要求,我能得到这样好成绩,我爱盲人我也喜欢感谢开明人,今后我会更加努力学习,为盲人增光添彩,让金星更加耀眼。


There is an old saying: happiness does not lie in wealth, power and appearance, but in you and ryone nd you. In o life, it is full of love. If ryone knows how to love others, the world nd us will become betiful.

There are many people who need care, such as the blind, the deaf and the disabled. They are all very unfortunate, but we are all Fortunately, we have to let them know that they are not alone. I went to the sanatoum.

When the old people saw us, we were like their grandchildren. I saw how betiful their iles were. At that time, I felt that we should care about others and care about others.

This is o virtue. We need to know that when we care about others, we are also happy with her hand Rose in China, my grace, I appeal to people: let us care about others, now.



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