关于春节英语作文_Spring Festival 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-24 10:50:30 阅读:107 点赞:0

关于”春节“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Spng Festival。以下是关于春节小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Spng Festival

When you ask people aund you what is the most important festival in China, I guess people will say the same answer. The Spng Festival has an old story about the Spng Festival. It is said that this monster called "Nian" will attack people fm time to time to dve it away.

People have to light firecrackers on the last day of new year's Eve. Red paper is g on the fnt door and windows. Fortunately, the monster year is afraid of the sound of firecrackers, and the red dare not come again.

In order to commemorate this day, o ancestors decided that the first day of the lunar calendar is the Spng Festival. Dung the Spng Festival, all members of the family would get together on New Year's Eve to have a big meal of fish. Apples, noodles, dumplings, pokes, chicken, candy and so on are indispensable on the table.

Fish represents wealth and pspety in the coming year For others, they are symbols of good luck and happiness in the coming year. Children are the hst dung the Spng Festival. They can not only have a lot of companies, but also use the lucky money to get lucky money dung the festival.

They can do whatr they want, such as setting off firecrackers, weang new clothes and using their new year's greetings Money to buy what they want. This is the best part of the Spng Festival. The Spng Festival not only means the beginning of a new year, but also cares the best wishes of the people we hope.

In the new year, o wishes will come true and o life will be better in any case. The most meaningful thing about the Spng Festival is that we spend time with o families and the people we love in harness.




Therefore, it is important to stay up late in the new year's Eve to watch the beginning of the new year's Eve, to celebrate the new year in the sound of firecrackers, or to eat dumplings shortly after new year's day. It is an important traditional dumpling, also known as yuanxiao, which is a kind of Chinese food. Glutinous ce flo and a all amount of water are mixed into balls, and then cooked and eaten in boiling water.

Traditionally, the balls are filled with sweet black sesame paste Although the stuffing is different, the main tradition of the Lantern Festival is to hang lanterns, which are g in public places such as families, parks, streets and so on. The vaous red lanterns will attract countless tousts to watch.



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