用英文介绍你的家庭_Introduce your family with 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-21 02:42:39 阅读:136 点赞:0

关于”用介绍你家庭“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Intduce yo family with。以下是关于用介绍你家庭高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo family with

I love the way they decide to sit next to me, no matter what om I'm in, sleeping in the empty bed next to me. I love how they use their noses as a tool for me to touch them. I love how they ell like cornflakes ( like cornflakes, it's just dog stuff) I love my dog and I'll say goodbye to him, and soon I'll miss rything about him, but I love and When he was together, no matter what happened to me and my ex, he did have a dog, or maybe it was just my dog himself.

Maybe he always loved any way. I loved them and thought they saved my life.




We usually have eggs, a glass of milk and o pieces of bread for breakfast. Sometimes, we have pordge for lunch, we often eat ce and vegetables, we sometimes dnk soup, we eat hambgers and coke, but it is harmful to o health, becse we have dinner once a week, ce, fish and vegetables after dinner, sometimes we have dessert, sometimes we have fruit.




I have a big family, my father, my mother, my bther and I. My father only knows how to work ry day. He sits in fnt of the comr and desis an engineeng picte.

My mother is kind and does housework all day. My bther often plays basketball with me. We love each other ry day.

My family is a harmonious family.



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