
发布时间:2023-01-09 05:38:29 阅读:175 点赞:0

关于”整容“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Coetic sgery。以下是关于整容xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Coetic sgery

According to China difficult plastic repair Assistance Center experts, about plastic sgery, for most people, it is done or benefit fm the majoty of people. Howr, there are many people after coetic sgery did not achi the desired effect, or e other pblems of expert advice, before doing bety must establish a correct bety mentality, otherwise it may be than gain, for coeti Under the psycholo, the disadvantages are often greater than the advantages: iong their own connotation, shaping ability and self-cultivation, relying too much on betiful women's appearance, superstitious looking at facial makeup, expecting good luck in coetic sgery, blindly worshipping celebties, iong their own conditions and possible sks, taking the appearance of their idols as a template, completely change yo coetic addiction, too frequent plastic sgery is not advisable, coetic sgery The ppose is , if there are any unrealistic requirements, or extreme ideas such as comparative mentality, which lead to beyond the scope of sgery, the sk of feasible sgery ses sharply, the number is temporaly cheap, and no medical qualification can be found. In addition, bety as a science, must follow the scientific law, plastic bety Doctors and hospitals have specific requirements, to certain scientific knowledge, have certain qualifications, expeence and technolo can do coetic sgery, operation errs and maintenance nsing errs, and may lead to breast entation faile and other sgical faile, which will pduce some hematoma, capsule contracte, psthesis displacement, etc.

if unfortunately, coetic faile oc, consumers should also rationally face it We can try to recover thugh plastic sgery repair, but we should find a regular plastic and aesthetic institutions, and have expeenced technolo, high medical ethi plastic sgeons.




To others is to yoself. You are the best to others, and you will get the best fm them. The you get, the you mean, the less.

This is the first time. The reality is that only those who are willing to others will have others' respect. I beli you have heard the story of a boy.

He gave a mother to make him very angry. Then, maybe he was afraid to accept Punishment, he ran out of the house, called to the valley: I hate you, I hate you, and the valley echoed: I hate you, I hate you, a child was very scared, ran home to his mother, there is a kid in the valley who steals away and says that he hates his mother to take him back to the hillside, he yells, I love you, I love you, just like the mother said to the child, and this time he found that there is a very good child Zi said in the valley: I love you, I love yo life is like an echo, you send it back to you to sow what, you give what you harvest, as long as you pay, harvest it is useless, only this section, is the true portrayal of ing others: when we others, we give others the love of life, as if to give others the tree of life It is an inexhstible soce of emotion to awaken readers with a kind of clear spng. We pay , o hearts are full of happiness, and we are so stng.

Helping others is not only dedication and harvest, but also a virtue long cheshed by the Chinese nation. Therefore, it also presents a respectable example: Lei Feng, Congsheng flying people, ordinary workers, industous, pe girls, farmers, etc They are using their own actions, with their own stren to people in need, to warm the hearts of these people's social pspety, a few people do not each other pject can not be completed by one person, it needs a lot of cooperation, mutual , mutual encoagement, in order to others in o time to achi complete success, then you old, happy Well, it's happy to others. When others get warm, the happiness they get is either ing others or ing themselves.

Remember: giving is getting.




Plastic sgery with the pgress of medical technolo, plastic sgery and popular, you can see in yo magazine: one of the celebties was found to go to a famous plastic hospital, maybe one day this phenomenon is not only a celebty, maybe one day, you meet a stranger, she claimed to know you, was yo high school fend, suddenly, she had a plastic sgery After investigation, I can't asking myself: what's wng with the world? Why are people so eager to change what nate gives? After all, I'm against plastic sgery. In my opinion, plastic sgery is a waste of resoces. When there are so many people waiting for doctors to save their lives, what's the point of doing so many doctors and nsing nd you? Bety is superficial, only by changing their appearance, a person will nr become a better person.

I want to say sgery to all those who are eager to have plastic sgery: if you use yo money to save those who need it, you will find that you are not only betiful in appearance, but also betiful in yo heart.



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