介绍孔子的英语作文_Introduce Confucius 5篇

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关于”介绍孔子“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Intduce Conius。以下是关于介绍孔子小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce Conius

Fm September B.C. to the beginning of Apl B.C., Conius was named the son of Zhoni, a Han nationality. In the spng and Autumn peod, Conius was a great thinker and educator in ancient China, the founder of Coniani, and one of the most famous cultal figes in the world.

He compiled the first annals of China. According to the spng and Autumn Annals, Conius was born in the town of Chaning (now Southeast of Qufu City, Shandong Pvince) Conius passed away at the age of only one year old and was bued in Sabaya, north of Qufu. Among them, the essays of Conius Lin, who is the main body of Conius' thoughts of words and deeds, are extracted fm the Analects of Conius and preserved under the histocal records of Conius' genealo dung the Qin and Han Dynasties.




Conius is a Chinese thinker and social philosopher. His theory and philosophy have deeply influenced the thoughts and lives of China, South Korea, Japan and Vietnam. His philosophy emphasizes the morality of individuals and governments, the correctness of social relations, justice and sincety.

These values are pminent in China than other theoes, such as Legalists or Taoi in Han Dynasty. Conius' thought has dloped into a philosophical called Coniani. It was d by Matteo, a Jesuit Ricci was the first person to translate his doctnes into "Conius" in Latin.

In the Analects of Conius, he found a "short apho fraent", which was compiled many years after Conius died. Modern histoans do not think that any specific literate can be said to be wtten by Conius. Howr, in recent years, he is considered as the editor or thor of five classic works such as the Analects of Conius Editor of spng and Autumn Annals.


孔子是思想家和社会哲学家,他学说和哲学深深地影响了、韩国、和越南思想和生活,他哲学强调个人和道德,社会关系正确,正义和真诚这些价值观在比其他学说更为突出,例如汉代法家或。孔子思想已经发展成为一种被称为儒家思想哲学体系。它是由会士利玛窦(Matteo Ricci)介绍到欧洲,他是第一个将他教义拉丁化为“孔子”人在《论语》中发现了一部“简言格言片断”,这是孔子去世多年后编纂,现代历史学家不认为有任何具体文献可以说是孔子写,但近几年来,他被认为是《论语》等五部经典著作编辑或作者《春秋》编者。


Conius (Chinese: Pinyin: K ǒ ng f ū Z ǐ) wadegiles:k 'ungfutzu Lit "Conius" (September B.C. - B.C.) is a Chinese thinker and social philosopher. His doctnes and philosophy have deeply influenced the thoughts and lives of China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam.

His philosophy emphasizes the morality of individuals and governments, correct social relations, justice and sincety. These values are pminent than other theoes in China, such as the Han Dynasty Dung the peod of legali or Taoi, Conius' thought has dloped into a philosophical called Coniani, which was established by Matteo, a Jesuit Ricci) was the first person who intduced the name of "Conius" into Eupe. His doctnes can be found in the Analects of Conius, a set of "short aphos" compiled many years after his death.

Modern histoans do not beli that any specific literate can be said to be wtten by Conius. Howr, in recent years, people have always belid that Conius is Conius' Book of tes He is the editor or thor of five classic works such as spng and Autumn Annals.


孔子(中文:拼音:kǒng fūzǐwadegiles:k'ungfutzu lit“孔夫子”(公元前xx月-公元前)是一位思想家和社会哲学家,他教义和哲学深深地影响了、韩国、、和越南思想和生活,他哲学强调个人和道德,正确社会关系、正义和真诚这些价值观在比其他学说更为突出,如公元前汉代法家或,孔子思想已经发展成为一种被称为儒家思想哲学体系,它是由会士利玛窦(matteo cci)引入欧洲,他是第一个将“孔子”这个名字拉丁化人,他教义可以在《论语》中找到,这是在他后多年编纂一套“简短格言片断”,现代历史学家不相信有任何具体文献可以说是孔子写,但近几年来,人们一直认为孔子是孔子《礼经》(编者、《春秋》等五部经典著作编者或作者。

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