
发布时间:2024-03-27 08:08:05 阅读:87 点赞:0

关于”创业好处“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Benefits of entrepreneship。以下是关于创业好处初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of entrepreneship

In my opinion, if graduate students start their own businesses or look for jobs, becoming an employee is far less ideal than owning an enterpse. It is undeniable that entrepreneship involves sks and requires hard work and determination. It can pduce a greater sense of satiaction and achiment.

Only when a person is willing to take sks can he not imagine the glory of not taking sks. Even if the business is not succesul in the end, a person can learn fm his mistakes. The expeence of starting a business is far better than that of a white-collar employee's stable but ordinary life.




Sometimes we use willpower to dig a hole in resistance to break thugh, and sometimes we use compassion to melt the ice. Anyway, ry time we break thugh, when we find oselves facing a gid obstacle unable to deal with o own situation, we will find that the kindest choice is to love oselves and o resistance.




Among the graduates with increasingly fierce competition in the job , some ambitious students have ted to start their own businesses for many years. There are many succesul cases of College Students' entrepreneship. Colleges and universities and the society should encoage and pmote this attempt.

Entrepreneial students are the pioneers of entrepreneship. They will give birth to entrepreneial leaders facing unknown challenges in China's fute. When most of their peers work as white-collar workers in high-end office buildings, While enjoying a stable salary, they boldly embarked on a dangeus joney.

Howr, they are the s of their own destiny. In the face of uncertainties and setbacks, they have cultivated persrance. Persrance and indomitable spit are necessary for all great entreprenes.

Even if they fail, they will not lose heart. They will continue to explore new business opportunities and work unremittingly until they become visionary, enterpsing, capable of leadership, and capable Creative and innovative people, they represent the fute and hope of a country. Not all college graduates are suitable for entrepreneship pjects.

One needs to have a sound business concept, a feasible business plan, a cohesive team, and the members work together for a common goal, effective mament skills, and most importantly, The fundamental difference beeen students who dare to compete with powerful competitors and ultimately defeat those who become civil servants of government agencies or major employees of domestic or multinational companies and those who start their own businesses are docile followers, while those who start their own businesses are the latter. Becse of this, entrepreneial college graduates are adable, so they have won o deep respect.



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