
发布时间:2023-03-17 14:56:10 阅读:183 点赞:0

关于”世界伟人“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:World great man。以下是关于世界伟人初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:World great man

When Henry Ford decided to make his famous V8 engine, he chose to build an engine, cast the whole eight cylinders into one cylinder block, and instructed his engineers to desi a whole desi for the engine. The desi was wtten on paper, but the engineers agreed that it was impossible for a man to cast an eight cylinder engine block into a whole. Ford said that it would be pduced in any case, but they replied that it was impossible.

Ford ordered you to continue to work until you succeeded. No matter how long it took, the engineers had nothing else to do. If they continued to work at Ford, six months later, nothing happened again.

The engineers ted rything they could To carry out orders, but things didn't seem to be ght. Pblem: it was impossible at the end of the year that Ford and his engineers checked, and they told him again that they couldn't carry out his orders. The ght head said, "Ford, I want, I want, they move on, and then, like a magic blow, the secret is discovered, and Ford's determination is won again.

This story may not be accately descbed, but its content and content are correct. It can be inferred that the people you want to think about and become ch, the secret of Ford millies, if you can, you don't have to Look too far. Henry Ford succeeded becse he understood and applied the pnciples of success.

One of them was desire: if you can do this, if you can put yo finger on the set of pnciples that made Henry Ford ch, you will know what the secret of his great success is. You can almost match his achiments in any career that suits you betiful.




2:世界伟人,I think the grea person r was Mother Teresa. She changed the lives of many people. Mother Teresa was born in Macedonian.

When she was young, her father was a construction worker. Mother Teresa studied religion and loved ryone. She became a nun and left India in.

For many years in Hindu geography, she spent her whole life cang for poor Mother Teresa, who died Awarding the Nobel Peace Pze.




3:世界伟人,Whenr you tn on the lights, listen to recorded music, or watch a movie, you are enjoying a discovery made by Thomas Alva Edison. In fact, it's hard not to use one of his many important discovees ry day. Edison got a patent before he died.

Edison invented the phonograph thugh his telegraphy and telephone, and bught music into o home. He desied and built the first indoor electcal lighting , lighting o home with electcity.




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