
发布时间:2024-01-25 15:16:19 阅读:38 点赞:0

关于”我家庭竞赛“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My family competition。以下是关于我家庭竞赛初二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My family competition

Hello ryone, my English name is Jack, and my Chinese name is Li Mingji. Btish people in my Btish day is March. This year, I like English, music, mathemati, art and I.M.

Pei. I often read some books about English, so my English is very good. Basketball, baseball, table tennis and swimming are my good sports.

I often play them and eat a lot of vegetables. I have Xi Xi Xi's body, you know Do you like me? bye.




2:我家庭竞赛,I am very honored to intduce to you my name is Li Hua. I was born in Dalian on December th. I am studying in Guaning pmary school.

My main coses are Chinese, mathemati, English, physi, comr and chemistry. I am good at English and comr operation. I won the first place in the comr competition last year.

I like swimming, skating, collecting stamps and listening to pop music. Thank you.





3:我家庭竞赛,He left a deep impression on me and had a lasting influence on me. Howr, fends like him can be regarded as assets and pperty in o life. Under great presse, Li Ming has not left a deep impression on us at all.

Therefore, Li Ming's expeence can become the most convincing example to pve the stren of persistence. Whether we have the ght to choose o own fends, I know him and his situation, becse we are ommates in one It took a lot of time. It took him a lot of time to take care of his sick mother and support his family.

We were deeply impressed by his laziness. One of my most impressive fends is my ommate. But we should be careful and wise to choose fends who can bng us positive ener.

He perfectly balanced his life and study. Li Ming, his father left him and his mother mercilessly He took good care of his mother and n won scholarships for many years. We be to notice him becse he was always late for class meeting on the first day of school.

In my college life, I met many fends: he was no longer always late: his mother was very ill and beddden, and they made great efforts to influence my life.



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