
发布时间:2024-04-15 08:02:35 阅读:3 点赞:0

关于”读题“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Reading questions。以下是关于读题初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reading questions

The importance of being optimistic. Dear judges, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. I want to talk about the importance of being optimistic when facing difficulties in life.

We have noticed that some people unfortunately choose to by themselves in the sand. Howr, this attitude is not good for you, becse if you don't have ladies and gentlemen, n if you face them, how can you overcome them and maintain them Optimi, becse it can give you confidence and you see yoself thugh difficulties. As Winston Chchill once said, an optimist has a chance in ry disaster.

A pessimist sees a disaster in ry opportunity. Ladies and gentlemen, keep optimistic. You will find that, despite some difficulties, there is always hope waiting for you, which will lead you to the ultimate success There are too many such optimists in history or now.

You see, if Thomas Edison is not optimistic, the light of hope in his heart will not light up the whole world. If not, explosives and the prestigious Nobel Pze will not be pduced. Lance Armstng is also optimistic.

If not, the cancer devil will devo his life, and the whole world If you don't see a winner of the 5th To de France Rose pze, it may or may not be betiful. It depends on yo attitude. So is success.

There are obstacles and difficulties in life. But if you are optimistic, they are just an episode on yo way to the thne of success. They are bdges than obstacles.

Now I use Shelley, the great English poet If winter comes, will spng be far behind? Thank you. There was a kid who was ready, so he asked God,.




Matterhorn, the famous snow capped mountain in Switzerland, is very popular with climbers becse it is too difficult to climb the Swiss Alps. At the foot of the mountain, the tbine dragged us, "let's climb up. The weather is often a pblem.

Sometimes it's too cold, and we don't want to get out of bed. But the tbine drags us at the foot of the mountain. "Let's climb up.

Sometimes it's too cold. We don't want to get out of bed. Climbing the mountain is the persrance and persrance of o life.




A man came into a doctor's om with a green bag. "Please sit down and let me have a look." the doctor said, "well, you're a little sick. You need to exercise ." but, doctor, "the man said," I don't think.

"Don't tell me what you think. The doctor says," I'm a doctor. I know what you need.

What you need is to walk at least half an ho a day ”"But I walk very fast," the man said, "Oh, yes, I know how you walk, a few meters fm yo home to the bus stop, and a few meters fm the bus stop to yo office." "listen to me, doctor." "I'm a postman. I walk sn hos a day. I'll deliver the mail." when the postman came in, what did the doctor ask him to do first? The doctor thought the postman needed to leave quickly for at least one day.

The postman had to deliver letters ry day.



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