提升自己的能力英语_Improve your ability 3篇

发布时间:2022-07-06 12:12:00 阅读:406 点赞:0

关于”提升自己能力“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Impve yo ability。以下是关于提升自己能力托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Impve yo ability

In the modern information age, reading is really a basic svival skill. Here are ten suggestions that anyone can use to impve their reading skills: you don't have to be a great reader, let some people read fast, remember what others read slowly, and then spend a few times getting all the irrelevant information, really, as long as you read, you get it Having the information you want, knowing why you want to read, whether you want to read for entertainment or for learning, and deciding why you want to read before you start reading, you will greatly impve yo comprehension and yo enjoyment. You don't need to read rything, not ry magazine, ry letter, the email you receive contains the information you need.

In fact, most of them are You don't need to read rything you read. You read ry article in ry magazine, ry chapter in ry book. If that's the case, you may spend a lot of money reading something you don't need to pick: select the important chapters and articles and iore the rest of the scanning before reading Looking at the table of contents, indexes, subject headings, captions, etc., can you determine whether a) you are really interested in reading, and b) the information you may get fm it takes precedence over yo reading.

You can't read rything all at once (don't read if it's important, read it now if it's not important, and let it wait to optimize yo reading envinment) If you read in a comfortable envinment for you, you will read faster and understand . Once you start reading, don't stop. If you finish and have questions, read each directly.

If you have no questions, go back and reread the relevant chapters. If you have no questions, you have what you need and are ready to focus. Remember, yo ppose of reading is pposeful, so if you lose interest or lose yo place, focus on the ppose and mateal, take a break or read something else, and you can track yo position by following along.

This technique can you focus, impve yo attention, practice the you read, the better you will read So feed yo mind: reading.




How to impve yo English reading ability in order to impve yo English reading ability, first of all, you should choose something that you think is important or interesting to read. Don't try to read things that you should start with English, don't read things that are difficult for you at the beginning, don't read too slowly, and don't make an article bigger after reading it Keep yo mind in mind and read it again. This time, you can read it slowly and look up some new words if necessary.

If you continue to read like this, you will sely make pgress.




I heard that you don't speak enough Chinese. I have some suggestions. I think I can you first.

Listen to the Chinese Radio and sing Chinese songs. Second, it's ting to talk with people in class. Let the teacher you.

You can bless you with a Chinese pen. I hope you can impve yo English ll soon.




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