
发布时间:2023-04-19 11:14:14 阅读:69 点赞:0

关于”我校园生活开头“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The beginning of my campus life。以下是关于我校园生活开头初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The beginning of my campus life

When the breeze gently holding catkins reflection, when the sun be to its golden, betiful cherry blossoms in the air gw to a few and gently fall, we are enjoying the happiness of campus life in the early morning, happy birds sing with us, as the path, flowers spnkle all over the campus, we look at the sun, iling eyes are wtten "Nanjing Normal University, is a subsidiary of the Yangtze River, and" Bnze light reflected on us, we happily accepted the vitality of light, walked towards the classom in the campus, we can see betiful fountain pool ry day, tall trees with betiful books crying, we often meet o clasates or good partners after school, fendly, warm, cordial known as a wave of retn, cordial greetings to you, perhaps the la chat What has been done in the classom, we have spnkled the settled ones out, ged the breath with long bags, and studied life in the classom. We enjoyed o own ability, boldly expressed o unique opinions, and well remembered that we must understand the knowledge and key points, let the birds nod for us, for the trees to nod their appval, to let the flowers in o hearts and the fragrance of petals flutter in the sky Dancing, we try o best to break the message we like. Like that, we can talk freely in ten minutes, enhance fendship and add precious wealth to o hearts.

We discuss pblems and impve each other, so that we can ench and wise oselves. Some are close to the railing, pinland, some gather in the cordor, ile, some sit in the sculpte, sun, enjoy the betiful golden age In January, we entered the collective, ry class is a home, we all hope o elbow, this "home" to be outstanding, therefore, we saw ry member of the team's momentum like an arw, ready to go, indestructible determination, we also saw the cheerleading team's big span, waving arms, jumping up and crying, ry time we succeed in learning Long we are learning in the gwth. Now, we are walking on the Mall Road of the campus with a ile.

When we leave the campus, the hst moment, let's have a look at o ad. I beli we have a pud feeling, no leise time, and have a bght fute. I beli that the unforgettable campus life will become o best memory.




My school life, different people have different views on school life. For me, I think it's like a cup of coffee. Maybe it's a little bitter, but I really enjoy it.

Some students hate homework, but I don't agree with them. Sometimes homework is an example of relaxation. When you do some creative homework, it will be exciting and make me feel relaxed We will encounter some pblems, do not care, just do, nothing can make you lose interest in learning.

In short, the harder we work, the better o fute will be.




I am a middle school student. I am good at mathemati bee I like my math teacher's humous teaching after class. I often play ball s with my clasates.

They are very fendly to me. I also like swimming and painting. I get along well with my clasates.

We often each other. O teachers are very good, but they are stct. I love my school and the life here.



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