
发布时间:2023-12-09 12:13:01 阅读:63 点赞:0

关于”伤心一天开头“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The beginning of a sad day。以下是关于伤心一天开头初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The beginning of a sad day

It was a celebration yesterday. I got up at 0:00 in the morning. My fends Tom and Li Lin went shopping in the store.

We bought a lot of things, for example, apple. At noon, we had lunch in a restrant. After lunch, one afternoon, I finished my homework and had dinner with my parents.

In the ning, I took a bath after dinner, then went to bed and watched TV Yesterday was October, o national day of celebration. After I got up in the morning, I decided to buy a new pair of shoes, for which I had been waiting for a long time. My father and I went to DOM by bus.

We got there at about 0 o'clock in the . The shop assistant was so nice that we almost bought some clothes other than shoes. Fortunately, it finally occred to me that o goal was to buy shoes, not something else.

After shopping, we go home to watch TV until o o'clock, and then go to bed.






Last Fday, I bought a second-hand bike. It looks like the last bike I was stolen last semester, but I'm glad I have another bike. It was stolen when I was in school on Sunday.

Unfortunately, I just de it three times. Unfortunately, I hate the this who stole my three bicycles. It seems that I have no ght to own a bicycle.

I bought another bike. I was disappointed.





My daily life I get up at six o'clock ry day, I get dressed quickly and have breakfast at half past six. I go to school. I have fo classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.

I study hard and always my clasates in class. I have lunch at school. After school dinner, I finish at five o'clock.

I read newspapers or watch TV. I prepare classes beeen sn thirty and nine thirty. I go to bed at nine.

The above is my daily life intduction. No school on Sunday. I usually review my lessons in the morning and visit some fends or go to the movies in the afternoon.




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