
发布时间:2023-06-11 17:33:55 阅读:122 点赞:0

关于”有趣课开头“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The beginning of an interesting class。以下是关于有趣课开头小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The beginning of an interesting class

I am now in an interesting class in pmary school. Fm Monday to Fday, I have a lot of lessons to learn. Last week, my favote subject is English.

My English teacher gave us a task. She asked us to make a report about o favote English celebty. I chose Avl, who is my favote singer.

I have been listening to her songs for many years. I intduced this singer, and I am very happy Many students clapped their hands, bee they like her, so we also shared a lot of things about Avl, I think in that class I was very happy, very interesting, we had a very happy chat, we have common interests, I will nr forget that class, which makes me full of enthusia for learning English.




In an interesting class, o English teacher often tght us in an unusual way. She tght us an Amecan folk song named bell. She first wte the ly on the blackboard, then explained each sentence in English, and then sang the song with a sweet voice.

We all like this song very much. After we sang it sral times, we sang it with her sral times After singing the whole song, teacher Tong asked us to discuss in English what makes us happy. Each of us said o ideas: a betiful flower, an interesting novel, a meaningful job, a moving poem, an exciting tp, etc.

the discussion was very active and no one kept silent. It s to impve o spoken English. When we had a good understanding of the song, we sang it again and again: rushing into the snow, in a horse's sleigh, one of us felt bored or tired, and we all learned something fm the song and the discussion, interesting lessons.




English class we have English class ry week. In the last class, what I am most interested in is that the English teacher must be kind-hearted. Few English teachers can look down on those students who are wng.

She or he can ask other students to correct it. When the students are bored, listen to the teacher. I think she or he can tell us a story, or If the teacher is not good at English, we should take a few minutes to take care of o students.



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