日记的英文_diary 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-27 07:53:23 阅读:111 点赞:0



My mother always complains that life is expensive becse she has to pay all kinds of bills ry day, but I don't think it's seous becse she complains about other things. Since I went to college and moved away, I be to wonder how much money I spent, so I decided to wte down the occrence and put a note in my handbag, so when I was shopping, I decided to wte it down I will put the bill in this note on the first day. I always forget to record it, but I still struggle to think about it before I go to bed.

I finally keep it as my habit. When sn days have passed, I start to check my bill ry day. I don't spend much money and my food is not expensive.

But when I get the total, I am spsed to find my mother's nagging life It's really expensive, especially the one who asks for money fm my parents. I'm very grateful for all I have and my parents.




In southern Taiwan, summer is very hot, where the temperate usually ses to centigrade or higher. Becse of the heat, it is a kind of tal expeence to go to school or do anything else without air conditioning. Becse of this, I spend most of my summer vacation at home, and occasionally go to the beach for a dip.

I like swimming. I think there is nothing like swimming in summer vacation It's n refreshing. Dung the summer vacation, my clasates and I went swimming many times.

We all had a happy summer vacation. Howr, as a senior o student, I didn't spend all my time on fun. I had to prepare for the college entrance examination one year later.

In other words, I had to take time to study. Therefore, I divided the summer vacation into work and entertainment, and benefited a lot fm this arrangement 。 This summer vacation, my way of life is completely different fm the way I used to travel ry day in the past summer vacation, but I can't afford this summer vacation. I will soon enter the last year of high school education.

After graduation, I will face the college entrance examination. Although there is still one year to go before the college entrance examination, I must start to review what I have learned in school early, so as to be fully prepared for myself Summer vacation is an ideal time for me to do this. At first, I was very depressed when I thought about it, but later I thought it was better.

Becse thugh hard work this summer, I could count on endless happy summer to remember this point. Then I be to work like anything, just go out occasionally to change or do something. I have a little bit about this kind of life I'm not bored, becse I have a hope to support me.

The summer vacation is coming again. I'm glad that I can at least forget about the school for a while, so that the whole summer vacation will not pass. I made a plan to spend the summer vacation.

I think I should review the things that the teacher tght last semester, so that I can understand them better. Then I think I should do some exercise, such as walking, running and wing, to keep my stren. With such a good plan, I should make the most of my vacation time.

Yes, becse I live up to my plan.





Joke: as a new father, I quickly learned the true meaning of maternal instinct. One night, I was called to the hospital to take care of one of my patients. I stood up quietly in the dark, but tpped over a toy and fell on the floor.

I lay there rubbing my sore legs. My wife was in bed, and then a faint cough came fm the nsery. She jumped out of bed, ran past me, cssed the cordor to o baby om, and she looked at me and said, "what are you doing on the floor?" note: maternal adjective Instinct calls V attach to tp over crash In the middle of the night, the huand is called to take care of a patient.

The huand knocks something on the gund. The huand hts his leg. The wife doesn't respond.

Although the huand is noisy, the huand understands the essence of maternal instinct.


笑话:作为一个新,我很快学会了母能真谛。有一天晚上,我被召到医院去照顾我一个病人。我在黑暗中静静地站起来,但被一个玩具绊倒,摔在地板上,我躺在那里揉我酸痛腿,我妻子睡在床上,从托儿所传来微弱咳嗽声她从床上跳起来,从我身边跑过,穿过走廊来到我们婴儿房,她看着我说,“你在地板上到底在什么”注释:母形容词能n召唤v attendto tp over crash v托儿所n跳跃v练习:TF①深夜,丈夫被叫来照顾一个病人②丈夫把什么东西打翻在地上③丈夫伤了自己腿④妻子没有反应,尽管丈夫大声喧哗⑤丈夫明白了母能真谛①T②F③T④T⑤T                                    。

标签: 女孩英文名  洋气英文名 

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