有关传统节日的英语作文_About traditional festivals 4篇

发布时间:2022-07-06 03:59:44 阅读:154 点赞:0

关于”有关传统节“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:About traditional festivals。以下是关于有关传统节小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About traditional festivals

As we all know, China has many years of history, culte affects generations after generations. No matter where people live, they keep traditional festivals. For example, people living in Chinatown, although some of them are immigrants, they are still celebrating traditional festivals.

Therefore, in ry corner of Chinatown, the traditional charactesti of the Chinese nation can be seen rywhere and the traditional culte can be preserved China's long peod of stability and stability is the key to the long-term stability of the country. The essence of the cultal part has been inheted. The negative part has been removed, and many cultes n affect forei countes, such as Conius Institute.

In the area where foreiers learn Chinese culte and Putonghua, although we are facing the impact of Hollywood culte, traditional festivals pvide an important way to save native culte..




I noticed that "o festival" was the first to see the intduction of Spng Festival. Spng Festival is the oldest festival in China. Where is my hometown? Let's have a look at the atmosphere of Spng Festival before the Spng Festival.

We can see on TV that all the dinners in the hotel are fully reserved. We and o family noticed that the flow of people is increasing a few days before the Spng Festival transportation, and then we don't n buy tickets. How do we get back Before the Spng Festival, I found that there are many people selling fireworks on the street.

Is it the traditional custom of o country to celebrate the new year's Eve? In the tder like firecrackers, fireworks come fm the sky, shining in the night sky, mixed with halos, some like chrysanthemums, others Like watells, some are like gold trees in all directions, and some are like little lanterns. Colorful and fascinating news comes frequently. Tens of thousands of diences are cheeng enthusiastically ding the Spng Festival.

People have a thving and vibrant atmosphere of joy. You can see, the red of the new year, the all firecrackers, the red, the red paper cutting, the red red red given by the old people to the children, Red children's new clothes and "happiness" are put in the red, red little red lanterns, red Chinese knots are the festival of the whole red country, the Spng Festival is a national festival to celebrate, in this new year, it is a good thing for thousands of families to reunite. In the happy and healthy days of the people, the Chinese Communist should wish the country stng year after year.




Spng Festival Chinese Lunar New Year's Day New Year's day Lantern Festival Tomb Sweeping Day Dragon Boat Festival Mid Autumn Festival Double Ninth Festival New Year Spng Festival International Working Women's day after Labor Day World Meteological Day National Day International Labor Day National Day nse's Day Holiday International Children's Day National Day Teacher's Day weekend.



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