介绍自己五官的英语作文_Introduce your facial features 5篇

发布时间:2022-07-10 10:08:02 阅读:365 点赞:0

关于”介绍自己五官“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Intduce yo facial feates。以下是关于介绍自己五官小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo facial feates

My good fend Zhang Ying is my good fend in the foth grade of Tianjiao pmary school. She is a model student. She is intelligent and ful.

She often s teachers and young students. She is good at Chinese, mathemati, English, arts and crafts, music and so on. She has many hobbies.

She likes drawing, listening to music and having a picnic with her parents.




Each of them has five officers. Each of them has his own work and each has its own advantages. Each face with a short life seems to have no effect.

But if there is no eyebw, it may not rain on the rainy day. When the summer sweat falls, don't let the eyes flow into the rain. It is the eyebws that block the sweat, the ashes fall fm the top, and the eyebws Some people's eyes are big and their eyes are all.

But in addition to sleeping, I work constantly and work hard. When he walks in the daytime, other ors are not busy. He is the only one who opens his eyes when reading a book, but he is open.

He looked nd, looking for something, but he didn't find anything good in winter. For example, the other fo ors were all wrapped in a tight bag outside. His nose was at the bottom of his eyes and occupied the central position.

Every time he ate, he always elled the taste first, as if the food was prepared for him. His nose could ell it. Good things could not do without him.

Others could ell flowers, flowers and people It always ells like o guards on both sides of his ears. Besides, he must have heard something, such as the car bell on the ad. When the ear hears a reminder, people nr thank him.

So a good thing nr uses his ears. But when his ears can't hear it, he must hate him. "Useless" is that his mouth is an independent person.

He seldom makes fends with other ors If you don't have a mouth, you can't eat when he talks. He just opens his mouth, but the five officials on his face are very important. They perform their duties respectively, but they are called "useful" and "useless".

Only the five facial feates on the face are integrated to serve human beings. This is very important Yes, there is no "useful" or "useless".




I have an oval face. My face is very cute. I have a pair of big eyes.

My eyes are very betiful. I like them best. They are under my eyes.

There is a all nose. My nose is not big, but it is very cute. Then, under my lovely nose, it is my big mouse.

Becse my mouse is very big, it looks very y. I have a name called "big mouse bety" It's me, a cute, y girl.



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