
发布时间:2023-07-07 12:42:13 阅读:68 点赞:0

关于”理想与现实爱情“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Ideal and realistic love。以下是关于理想与现实爱情初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ideal and realistic love

Sometimes, when you look deep enough, the actual and rational things seem to have no connection with yo most precious dreams. This connection is certain, becse if you can't dream, what's the point of paying attention to the actual things? If you don't pay attention to the practical pblems, how can you hope to realize yo dream? Stop worrying about what you have to do that interferes with what you want to do. Discover, appreciate and strenen the connection beeen the o make yo dream a part of reality, make yo reality a part of yo dream.

There is no reason to let yo dreams run counter to reality. Combine them to impve yo dreams and yo reality integrate the power of passion into today, wisely and realistically Put the power of reality into yo dream, and you will find that it is indeed a succesul combination.


有时候,当你看得够深时候,实际和理智东西似乎与你最珍贵梦想没有联系,这种联系是肯定存在,因为如果你不能做梦,那么关注实际事物意义何在?如果你不去关注那些实际问题,你怎么可能希望实现你梦想呢?别再为你必须做事情扰你想做事情而烦恼,发现、欣赏并加强两者之间联系 让你梦想成为现实一部分,让你现实成为梦想一部分没有理由让你梦想与现实相悖,通过将它们结合起来来改善你梦想和你现实 将力量融入今天,明智和实际事情,把现实力量放在你梦想中,你会发现它确实是一个成组合。


The gap beeen ideal and reality can narw the gap beeen ideal and reality, but this is a pblem many people want to solve. Only so few people can answer this question. Many people can't balance the relationship beeen ideal and reality.

Some people are lost in their dreams and nr want to live in reality. They really don't know what they want. Maybe, they really have no goals, let alone life goals Some people don't know what they will do for so many of them.

They haven't realized that "human life is limited." the rest, a all number of people in this world, know what they want, what they should do, they have a plan to realize their dreams, or achi their goals. We can see the difference beeen these three types of people. What is the pnciple of success To come true, ryone has his own dream.

Everyone is a great thinker. Everyone is a special person. He has his own responsibility to others.

You need to know that if you want to realize yo dream, you need to others realize their dream. Even though there is a big gap beeen yo ideal and reality, the key to success is success. There is a way to solve it and make yo ideal come true.

We should nr give up o ideal. The pcess of fighting for o ideal is so meaningful for o life. One of the key elements of life is to stve to build o own life.

We need ideals becse of it We can give us a direction, find o way to success, we should not iore the importance of understanding the reality of life. In o ideal, there may be only one person, but in reality, we should communicate with different people and deal with many different things in fnt of us. Fortunately, there is a gap beeen yo ideal and reality.

We can do o best Try to narw the gap, although we still have a long way to go to the place of flowers and applse, we have the ability to do o best. Finally, I want to say that if you do the ght thing, the ght job, if you do the wng thing, you may lose a lot of opportunities to get to where you want to be and succeed.




When we talk about dreams, we are so excited. We have a lot of dreams, such as becoming a celebty, traveling aund the world, and so on. Dreams are what we psue in o life.

With many dreams, we have the power to struggle for life. The opposite of dreams is reality. We have to face reality ry day.

Reality is what we perceive in o life We need to balance them first, we need to face the reality, although it is not ideal, we live in a world, we must know exactly who we are, in order to make o dreams come true, we need to adjust o dreams according to the reality.



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