
发布时间:2023-07-18 07:03:57 阅读:65 点赞:0

关于”读书好处“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Benefits of reading。以下是关于读书好处初一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of reading

Reading can ench, ench, and erudite people. It can exercise the mind and impve the state of mind. Reading can baden yo hozons.

The knowledge in books is to ench yo knowledge and baden yo vision. Reading can cultivate sentiment when life is frustrated or in need of . Reading can make people feel happy.

Reading is good for the brain, which is equivalent to exercise Reading can impve people's attention and make it easier to concentrate on one thing, while keeping the brain sharp reading can reli stress and calm their mind https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0.




2:阅读好处,If we have a book, we will not have a long-term feeling. When I am free or in tuble, I always take out a book and read it quietly. I put my heart on the book so that I can forget all my tubles.

In this way, I have formed the habit of reading at any time like me. I am very interested in picte books and story books. I was moved by them as soon as I enter middle school I started reading novels and plays, and I found myself getting a lot of things fm them bit by bit.

I'm very interested in literate. I won the first pze in Zhejiang middle school students' composition competition last semester. Reading the emper's new clothes, I had to lgh for his stupidity.

The match girl couldn't crying. Her pain bught me into a strange world full of danger. Helen Keller's patience and persrance also impressed me deeply.

In addition, books also tell me how to be a man and how to distinguish ght fm wng with one sentence. Good books can let me know what I didn't have before. Therefore, I regard good books as my best fends.

I will nr forget this famous saying: good books are good fends who will nr betray us.




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