
发布时间:2022-12-30 04:27:00 阅读:412 点赞:0

关于”现在超市优缺点“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of supers。以下是关于现在超市优缺点初一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of supers

Although there are many people who want to lose weight, I want to gain weight. I am ten years old. My weight is about kilos.

The children nd me regard me as a little sister. I am ten years old, but they treat me as a child. Sometimes I want to my mother wash dishes, but she always refuses me becse I am too young.

If I can gain some weight, rything will be different.




2:超市优势和劣势,When you go to the super for shopping, what betiful things are, how well they are gathered and the categoes are complete. Generally, supers will have discount information, while under the store, you can go shopping after shopping. That is the advantage of going to the super.

There must be some activities to try. The general brand pmotion will hold some tentative activities, such as instant noodles and dnks. The other thing is that the envinment is good and it is cool in summer The disadvantage of the wind is that if someone is there, they will go most of the time when they check out, and if the parking s are full, they have to find a parking .




3:现在超市优缺点,With the dlopment of economy, people's living standards have been greatly impved. With the impvement of people's living standards, supers spng up ry day. Especially at weekends, cwds of shoppers flock to the super and ile to take out the harvest pducts.

The advantages of the super first stimulate the enthusia of shoppers. Shopping in the super is very convenient, you need to What you do is walk yo cart along the aisle and take whatr you need fm the shelf to fill yo shopping cart. Second, there are all kinds of goods on the .

Clothes, daily necessities, dnks, books and household appliances are all in yo arms. The envinment is clean and comfortable, and the envinment is ventilated and air-conditioned thughout the year. Foth, payment is easy, cash or credit card payment, do not have to wait too long.

Fifthly, all gifts such as soft toys, bety coupons and instant lucky draw are usually pvided to customers. Natally, people like to shop for unnecessary things in the super, but the next time they shop, they completely forget.




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