
发布时间:2023-05-04 03:52:18 阅读:77 点赞:0

关于”自然在我们常生活中重要“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The importance of nate in o daily life。以下是关于自然在我们常生活中重要小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of nate in o daily life

The way to stay healthy is much important than wealth. Health can let us enjoy life and realize o career. On the contrary, health is poor and nothing can be kept healthy.

Here are some suggestions. First of all, it is very important for us to eat fruits and vegetables, becse they pvide vitamins and we must keep a balanced diet, so we should avoid foods ch in sugar and fat. Secondly, we'd better exercise ry day to make o body stng.

In addition, we must avoid too much work presse. Finally, we must get d of the bad habits that damage o health, such as dnking and oking. We will live a healthy life by adheng to the above suggestions.






Electcity is closely related to o life. Without electcity, we can't live and study regularly. With the dlopment of society, the pgress of human beings, the impvement of living standards, and the gradual increase of electc charge, the sial quantity of electcal equipment in the life is and big, and the power faile of factoes is often csed by power faile And often pduce a lot of local flts, and n the water for life can not be guaranteed.

Therefore, electcity and o life is like this. We should encoage the saving of electcity. O pmary school students should form the good habit of tning off the lights at will.

Electcity has changed people's lives. Electcity has always been the soce of my life, just like there is no water in the desert. Without electcity, people's life is 5eaa.




Comrs play an important le in today's world. They are used in many fields of human activities, such as commerce, industry, science, education and so on. The dlopment of comrs has also d many attractive employment opportunities.

In any case, the value of comrs is undeniable. Modern industalized society needs comrs to play a wide range of functions. I think it is very necessary for most of us to have a comprehensive understanding of these magical machines.



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