
发布时间:2023-05-23 09:08:48 阅读:325 点赞:0

关于”举办汉字听写比赛“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Hold Chinese character dictation competition。以下是关于举办汉字听写比赛六级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Hold Chinese character dictation competition

Last night, the night of champion of the "exciting" dictation meeting of Chinese characters came to an end. Lu Jialei and Yu Jiamin fm Hangzhou forei language school won the championship respectively. The conference aims at "wting, inheting civilization and saving the people".

Mobile phones and comrs are integrated into o lives. Not many people use pens to wte what is instead of someone's keyboard. You will occasionally find that now you n You may not be able to wte Chinese characters.

If you can't wte Chinese characters, if you can't wte Chinese characters, if you can't wte Chinese characters, if you can't wte Chinese characters, Chinese people will not respect the motherland. They also call the Chinese national flag, the colorful five-star red flag flying high, reminding us to love and defend o motherland forr.




This afternoon, my clasates have a table tennis match. Many of my clasates like playing table tennis. So o teacher encoaged us to play a .

There are fo boys' teams and three girls' teams, and some students are referees. The was wonderful, and at the end all the players were rewarded, but I think happiness is the best reward.




One possible version: Dear John, I am wting to tell you something about the Chinese character wting day in o city. Conius' birthday in September was chosen as the Chinese character wting day. I think it is meaningful enough to let you know that o city has chosen to hold this festival not only to bng wting opportunities to people, but also to ptect o traditional art forms With the populaty of mobile phones, comrs and the Internet, many people do not need to wte, and n forget how to wte Chinese characters correctly.

In order to overcome this, vaous activities were held on that day, such as calligraphy competition, calligraphy exhibition, etc Come to visit.



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