
发布时间:2023-12-24 15:19:54 阅读:91 点赞:0

关于”国画使我传统“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Traditional Chinese painting makes me traditional。以下是关于国画使我传统xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Traditional Chinese painting makes me traditional

Now, many people are particularly dependent on the Internet. Employees and students serve the neork. Some say it's good, others say it's bad.

Many students say: the Internet can be very interesting. You can learn a lot of knowledge. Yes, in addition to learning, we can use the Internet to relax oselves.

Parents say: the Internet will affect o study, and s will make us addicted to the neork. Howr, I think that only If we have pper entertainment and study schedule, pper Internet access will not affect o study, but it will us learn. Dear Judy: Hi, my name is Sally, and my Chinese name is Li lini.

I want to be yo fend. I am a student in a middle school in Qingdao. There are fo people in my family.

They are my father, my mother, my bther. I am this year old and my bther is older than me He's a doctor in my favote hospital. I usually run with my bther before school in the morning.

I want to be a runner when I gw up. I've been to us. I think we're betiful.

I hope to learn about us. You can tell me about us. You are willing to be my fend.

If you think so, please tell me rything about yoself. We Wte back as soon as possible, yo lily. This winter, I have a very full and happy life.

Every morning I have to learn Chinese painting. A good teacher can draw a betiful picte. In the afternoon, I go to an English cram class, so my English will be better.

In the ning, I watch TV with my family. In order to share the fun, I also take part in volunteer activities, teacher I finished my homework. I hope I can get better grades and make fends in the new semester.




A possible explanation: health is much important than wealth. Health can make us enjoy life and realize o career ideal. On the contrary, poor health doesn't .

Here are some suggestions on how to keep healthy. First of all, it's very important for us to eat fruits and vegetables becse they pvide vitamins. We must keep a balanced diet, so we should avoid foods ch in sugar and fat.

Second, we'd better exercise ry day to make o body stng. In addition, we must avoid too much work presse. Finally, we must get d of bad habits that are harmful to o health, such as dnking and oking.





Chinese painting is a form of ancient Chinese art. Calligraphy and painting are the most appreciated art in the cot. They are almost entirely d by amate painters and scholars.

Only they have leise to impve the skills and emotions required by big pen and ink. Calligraphy is considered to be the highest and pest form of painting. The brush made of animal hair and the black ink made of ancient pine resin and animal glue were used to wte and paint.

Silk was completed on silk. Howr, after the invention of paper in the first centy A.D., silk was gradually replaced by new and convenient mateals. The oginal works of famous calligraphers have been greatly valued in Chinese history The most popular painting mateals are paper and silk, and then the finished works are mounted on the scll and g on the wall in the traditional style of painting.

Traditional painting can also be cared out on picte albums, walls, lacquerware and other media. The earliest example of Chinese painting fm the second centy holds that before this peod, there was no Chinese painting, but it was likely that Chinese painting existed. Before this peod, there were no sviving works of art media, such as painting, sculpte, pottery, etc.

This means that by looking at archaeological discovees before the second centy B.C., such as obser.




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