用英语怎么介绍自己的朋友_How to introduce your friends 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-14 13:12:05 阅读:211 点赞:0

关于”用怎么介绍自己朋友“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:How to intduce yo fends。以下是关于用怎么介绍自己朋友小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to intduce yo fends

My best fend, she has a pair of long black hair, big black eyes and a all nose. She is very thin and lovely. Her English and Chinese are very good.

She works hard. Her favote season is summer. Becse the weather is very hot, she can eat ice cream.

She likes playing piano, reading and singing. She is my best fend - Wang Qi. She has a very good English name.




Today, we had a good day at the Red Star farm. After meeting at the school gate, we set out. The farm workers stood at the gate of the farm to welcome us.

Then the person in charge of the farm showed us nd the farm. We had nr seen cps and vegetables gw so well. We had a picnic in the sun for a while, we danced, and some of us n went down at sunset Now a of chess, farewell to the farm workers, left the farm.




Welcome to o school. O school is a pvincial fo-star middle school. It is very good.

The teachers and students get along well. The campus envinment is betiful. This is a teaching building.

Inside are cans, libraes and other buildings. We usually like to exercise. Students participate in vaous sports activities, and n win awards in the pvince.

Not only that, but also the students' achiments are outstanding. With the teachers' careful efforts and , we can get a good result.



标签: 大气英文名 

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