
发布时间:2023-06-17 05:33:33 阅读:97 点赞:0

关于”介绍自己“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Intduce yo father。以下是关于介绍自己初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo father

Yo father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind man. He often s his neighbors and some strangers he doesn't know.

He really does a lot of things for others. I don't like him to do this becse I think he spends too much time ry day. He gets up at o'clock and goes to bed too late when I dissuade him.

He always lghs and says that the world needs it My father loves his family and his work in the company. He is known as a workaholic. He works most of his time.

As a result, he often forgets to eat or sleep. He doesn't like health. My father likes reading books in his spare time.

He tells me that reading is very interesting. I begin to be interested in reading bit by bit. I like books becse they my father in many ways A bad habit.

He likes oking very much. I hate it. The house is full of cigarettes.

I know it is not good for his health and his mother. I advise him to give up oking. I beli he will follow my advice one day.

My father is my father, and I am pud to have such a good father.




If the mother is sometimes compared to a blooming lily, which emits its charming fragrance in ry corner, then the father is a jaine. It silently spits out a fresh fragrance in a corner. Usually, it only praises the greatness of the mother.

But who knows how common the implicit words of father are, but this kind of love is so extraordinary that a jaine may not let it go People exude the fragrance of the spleen, but it will nr make you feel fresh, feel quiet and elet layout, father is like this, like jaine opened quietly, no matter yo father's merciful eyes will accompany you all yo life.




My father is a gentle man, my father has a pair of all eyes, weang a pair of glasses, looking gentle, father's hair is not much, he said "art head does not gw hair." he usually tght me that people must be honest, fendly to others, and work hard. This is my father, I always love him. My father is a worker, so he is working.

I think my father is one He tght me how to be a succesul man, how to deal with all kinds of pblems in my life. My father was very important to me. He tght me what to do and what not to do.

My father is a good father and I love my father.



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