
发布时间:2023-04-25 09:42:51 阅读:86 点赞:0

关于”我女化学老师“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:My female chemistry teacher。以下是关于我女化学老师专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My female chemistry teacher

Liu Ming is my chemistry teacher. He is an ordinary little man with thick glasses, but he has a strange way to make his class lively and interesting. I remember his first class when he put three bottles on the table, one full of kesene, one full of castor oil, and one of vinegar, and he said, "now look carefully, pay attention to rything I do." He raised a finger, mixed the three liquids in a large glass.

After a few seconds, he took his finger out, put it in his mouth, and took a sip. "It's so delicious that you do rything I do." and then we did it like he did. We made a face.

The mixte tasted terble. This was my first chemistry class, and I'll nr forget it.




I will nr forget my first chemistry teacher. He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way to make his class lively and interesting. His class was not easy to forget.

I still remember a lesson I learned fm this teacher. When the students were all in the lab, the teacher took out three bottles. One of them was full of gasoline, one was castor oil and the other was vinegar.

Now he looked very carefully. The teacher said, then he poed some gasoline, some castor oil and some vinegar into the cup. When the students watched him quiet down, he mixed the three together, and then he raised a finger to the whole class Learn to look at it, and then dip it into the glass.

After a few seconds, he reaches out his finger, looks at him and says, "remember, you have to do rything I do.". He put a finger in his mouth, tasted it, lghed and looked happy. Then he handed the cup to the class.

Each student dipped a finger into the mixte and ed it dry. Instead of iling, they all made faces. When the cup was finally retned to the teacher, he said sadly, "I'm sorry, none of you are careful enough.

Yes, I ed a finger, but the finger I put into my mouth is not the one I dipped into the cup. This is my first important lesson as a chemistry student, and I nr forget it. ".






There was a couple who had been mared for a long time. One day, they walked thugh the park together and saw a young couple sitting on a bench, kissing each other. The wife said to her huand, "honey, why don't you do that?" "I don't know that lady.".



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