
发布时间:2024-03-15 12:01:04 阅读:46 点赞:0

关于”与追思亲人“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:And remembeng relatives。以下是关于与追思亲人初二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:And remembeng relatives

My grandfather is a famous pfessor. He is over sixty years old now, but he is in good health. His hair is still black.

He is tall and handsome. He looks like a gentleman. Beli it or not, he started learning to dve last year, and now he dves his white Nissan ry day.

My grandfather tght English for about a few years. He has been to many countes, such as Ameca, France and Canada. Now he and my grandmother are on holiday in Eupe.

He is very kind to me.





2:还有怀念亲人,I wish you happy days full of fendship, bght days full of joy, warm days full of happiness, all year und there are betiful Btain, ry day is a birthday, I will keep a lofty wish, hope yo dream come true, the kindest fend in the world is yo fend like you, wish me a happy birthday, the best fend is yo kind of fend to me, wish you Happy days full of fendship I wish you a wonderful year full of happy love is always a gift I give you to a betiful person happy birthday, happy days full of happy fends happy birthday, warm days of life full of happiness to last a year, only one or o people can call it & ry day is a birthday, happy birthday to you, so I hope yo birthday is the hst day. Happy birthday and charming. I will keep a lofty wish and hope that many of yo dreams come true.

Happy birthday to a special fend. Have a wonderful English day. How do I think of you and that 'mate and comprehensive excellent person' you show the warmth of yo fendship in many different ways.

I hope yo birthday will be as special as you Happy you are still young in my calendar and the extra year seems to have really impved yo appearance, intelligence.




3:与追思亲人,Thanks to my fends, this is a day to celebrate. I got in touch with Michael. I lost contact for a year.

It's really amazing. Yesterday, I searched the Internet aimlessly. Suddenly, I had an idea: since I could have found my secret by typing my name in the search engine, why can't I do this, or I want to know Ben is replying in the beginning Some things in the feud, but soon my list expanded to a wider range.

At that time, I thought of Michael. In my last letter of senior year, he mentioned to me that he was going to England to continue his education. We suddenly lost contact.

Shamefully, we were too busy to reply to his email. Later, I was recommended to Zhejiang University and won the final . I thought he was already in England, so I didn't know where to wte him.

I used to think that we would nr meet again, but when I looked thugh the entes about him, I was excited to find that he was still in China. Without hesitation, I ran to my dormitory upstairs and found my old address book. Thank God, his home was not there.

After sral phone calls, no one answered. I finally called him. He was much spsed than I thought when I asked Fm his life, he was too nervous to remember: ha ha, at such a moment, life is happy, at such a moment, old fends meet again, we should express o gratitude to others at Thanksgiving, we should be grateful that God has o homes, one in heaven, the other in a gentle and grateful heart, Thanksgiving is o daily life We often get fm parents, fends, colleagues and strangers.

Maybe it's a all matter to pick up yo pen, carry a heavy box for you, or give you a seat in the car. We should thank them for all they have done. The love you give, the love you get.



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