
发布时间:2023-04-01 02:42:14 阅读:82 点赞:0

关于”我喜欢一部“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A movie I like。以下是关于我喜欢一部xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A movie I like

Do you know the movie Titanic? This is one of my favote movies. This is a love story about Jack and se. They meet on a ship called Titanic, and then they fall in love on the night of Apl.

The Titanic has an accident on the way to Ameca. Jack and se and many other people fall into the sea. They are very afraid becse they are afraid of losing each other finally.

Rose is saved, but Jack Didet I'm very sad. My favote movie is tranormers. It's made in the United States.

It uses a lot of high-tech and comr effects. I like this movie very much. It has huge scenes and famous movie stars.

Besides, it has good stoes. In this movie, my favote is to ptect o enemies bravely.




2:我喜欢,Titanic is a gem named "the heart of the sea". It bngs a love story to se and Jack. They met on the Titanic and fell in love on the way of love.

They cssed many obstacles fo days after the departe of Titanic, and a huge iceberg floated towards her. The ship is bken by an iceberg. Many people can't save it except se.

The death of Jack is the biggest obstacle for love to overcome. In order to save se, Jack gave his life in this movie. When the ship was in an accident, some people would rather others than save themselves.

For example, the sailor and the musician made me think a lot in some fields, such as the relationship beeen the people nd you. For example, when we are facing love, when we are facing social pblems, we are very moved How to express o feelings to o loved ones, how to deal with the love pblems with them, how to solve them perfectly? Let's assume that we take different positions on the Titanic, what should we do when we are outside the country? I think different people take different positions, we do different things in society, but the most important thing is We should take o responsibility as a whole. The film not only has a wonderful plot, but also pvides food for thinking.).




3:我喜欢一部,A movie I like. I like many movies today. One of them is a French movie about mance.

The ptagonist is an intern. He has a fiancee, but he doesn't love her. He loves another girl named fan fan.

She also loves him. But he doesn't intend to marry fan fan becse he thinks that love will go after marage But fan fan didn't agree with him, so she encoaged him in all aspects until he overcame his fear and accepted her. As a result, I like fan fan becse she is honest and lovely, and has the coage to psue her own happiness.

I also like this movie. By the way, this scene is very betiful and interesting.



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