
发布时间:2023-04-07 09:16:19 阅读:112 点赞:0

关于”拯救我们地球“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Save o earth。以下是关于拯救我们地球xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Save o earth

It's time to take action to ptect o envinment. Envinmental pblems are now a hot topic. They not only affect o health, but also have a great impact on o fute.

O envinment is very important to o life. In the past, we can breathe fresh air, dnk clean water and so on, becse there are many trees nd us. At that time, the air was fresh and the ver was clear, but now In, people cut down many trees, air pollution and water pollution are very seous.

Becse of envinmental pollution, the envinment nd us has become very bad. People's health is seously affected by air, noise and water pollution. Every year, millions of people get sick or, worse, die of polluted air, polluted water or contaminated food.

Now is the time to take action to ptect o envinment, otherwise we will die in o own hands The envinment can make people feel happy and healthy. Impving the envinment means impving o life. What should we do and what can we do to ptect the envinment? When we see garbage on the gund, we can go to school and work by bike or on foot.

We should pick up the garbage and thw it into the garbage can. Don't spit in public places. Don't draw a second on the public wall We should plant a lot of trees to keep water.

Third, we should phibit factoes fm dumping waste water into vers. Foth, we should phibit the emission of waste gas into the air. We should not use plastic bags last, but not least.

We should invite people to join us. Ptecting the envinment is o responsibility. In order to live a better life, we need a cleaner world When we should pay attention to the envinment and a better fute for o next generation, we have only one earth.

Let us focus on envinmental issues together. More importantly, we should start to take action now, and we will work together to impve o envinment. Come on, rybody.




2:拯救地球,This is the green part of the earth. The blue part is the ocean. The white part is the cloud.

O earth is very betiful and interesting. There are vers, streams, oceans and lakes. There are mountains, mountains and forests.

There are many countes and cities where many people live. Do you think the earth is very wonderful? Many years ago, the earth was clean, but now there are a lot of pollution, air pollution, land pollution Water pollution people deforest many wild animals, birds and insects lose their homes, very cruel people are polluting the land, water and aircraft people must stop doing this, we must save the earth, we must save o home.




3:拯救我们地球,(save o earth) it is very important to deal with the garbage in the city. Garbage may cse a lot of pollution. It may pollute the air, water and the place where we live.

It may be harmful to people's health. So in o city, the garbage is first treated, then classified, and then the old newspapers and glass are recycled. The government has made laws to phibit it To stop the pollution csed by garbage, but this is not enough.

We must do o best to prnt garbage fm polluting the envinment, so as to save o city and o life.



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