
发布时间:2023-11-02 18:41:33 阅读:225 点赞:0

关于”回信老师给学生回信“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Reply to a teacher's reply to a student。以下是关于回信老师给学生回信专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reply to a teacher's reply to a student

Nowadays, college teachers are facing new challenges. They need to accept students' evaluation of them. Teachers are under great presse becse if they get low marks, they will feel embarrassed and question themselves.

I think this is good for both students and teachers. In the traditional classom, students can respond to teachers, and teachers are in a dominant position. When students have pblems, they will feel embarrassed and question themselves All the students will follow them, they have no time to ask questions, but the scong makes the classom no longer a one-sided activity, students are an important part, they can let teachers know how teaching methods work.

On the other hand, teachers can adjust their teaching methods. The new pays attention to students' reactions, so that teachers can better understand students' response to them Therefore, it is necessary for students to learn better scong , which makes teachers and students become an important part of the classom.




2:回答老师对学生回答,I waited anxiously for yo letter, and at last I received it. I'm glad to know that ryone in the family is healthy. Everything here is the same as before.

Don't worry about me. The final exam will be held next week, so I work very hard to prepare for my lessons. I beli I can do it in the final exam.

I'm very glad that the summer vacation is coming. I can't say how much I want to see you. I'm looking forward to spending the summer vacation with you.

I'll give my love to my father, mother and ryone in my family.





3:回信老师给学生回信,Dear pen pal: Hello, my pen holder, I talk about my favote animal. I like cat, becse it has a und face and big eyes. It is always so cute.

Its ears are very all and the top is hairy. My second favote is that the dog has a cly body. It is also a good fend with human beings.

It often s human beings to be loyal. I also like it, especially rabbits It's the rabbit with white rabbit hair. Wool is a slipper.

At the same time, it's very good. So I like it. I like three all animals.

I don't know what you like about my wish. You: study and impve yo pen pal,.



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