
发布时间:2024-01-25 01:00:24 阅读:28 点赞:0

关于”用介绍我自己“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Intduce myself in English。以下是关于用介绍我自己专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce myself in English

Marketing yoself with popular ing strategies, "ing" is selling pducts, especially advertising and brands. Howr, in pfessional usage, the word has a bader meaning. It recoizes that ing is a customer-centered pduct, and pducts are often dloped to meet the wishes of the customer base, and n, in some cases, for a specific customer, the fo PS, namely pduct, pcing, pmotion and placement, are often referred to as the ing mix pppductplacepcepjectionpductpcetargetp Motion, whether you start yo career at the most advanced ll or at entry ll, you must understand yo pduct (yoself).

In today's interview, you don't know what is the best benefit yo pduct can bng to us. In short, it is impossible to do some research on yoself, plan to practice, implement extraccular activities that adhere to the pduction of academic records The pce of a pduct can be regarded as the financial expression of the value of the pduct to the consumer. The pce is the monetary expression of the value / benefit of the pduct.

Compared with the pce of other available goods (using pfit maximization pcing strate, value-added pduct placement) It is a kind of pmotion strate used by ing personnel, in which real commercial pducts are used for fictitious or non fictional media, and the existence of pducts is the result of economic communication. Pmotion involves the pmotion of a pduct, pduct line, brand or company. It is a specific combination of advertising, personal sales, pmotion and public relations.

It is the information collection used by a company to psue its advertising and ing objectives Set is extremely important to be in this phase of the location pmotion pmotion short-term display of succesul sales.




2:用英语自我介绍,I'm glad to stand here and intduce myself to you. I'm fm liangbing middle school. I study in class.

I love my hometown, liangbing, becse it's a very betiful town. I have many hobbies, such as reading books, listening to music, ing the Internet, traveling. But listening to music is my favote pop music.

My idol is Jay. I'm a lively girl. I like it ng fends and chatting I can play my Chinese Kung Fu.

I passed all the cet-10 when I was in grade, but becse of my busy study, I didn't have any free time to practice it. What is a pitty good at math and English, I prefer English. In my opinion, learning and using English is very easy and interesting.

This competition is for me to learn English fm others It's a great opportunity. What I'm talking about is that God s those who themselves. I will nr give up in my learning pcess.

After listening to my intduction, do you know me? thank you.




3:用介绍我自己,I'm glad to stand here and intduce myself to you. I'm fm liangbing middle school. I study in class.

I love my hometown, liangbing, becse it's a very betiful town. I have many hobbies, such as reading books, listening to music, ing the Internet, traveling. But listening to music is my favote pop music.

My idol is Jay. I'm a lively girl. I like it ng fends and chatting I can play my Chinese Kung Fu.

I passed all the cet-10 when I was in grade, but becse of my busy study, I didn't have any free time to practice it. What is a pitty good at math and English, I prefer English. In my opinion, learning and using English is very easy and interesting.

This competition is for me to learn English fm others I said that God s those who themselves. I will nr give up in the pcess of learning. After listening to my intduction, do you understand me? Thank you.



标签: 女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  宠物英文名  大气英文名  E开头英文名 

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