
发布时间:2023-04-23 06:58:32 阅读:772 点赞:0

关于”招新“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Recruit new。以下是关于招新小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Recruit new

Get up early and get into the habit of washing yo face a few hos before going to bed. If you wait until you're tired, you're likely to blow it away and leave toxins and dirt there all night. Another consequence is that you miss the best time to treat yo skin at night.

More blood flows on the skin's sface, and nothing else on yo face interferes with absorption. Sleeping on yo back is harmful to "coetolo sleep." in fact, ry night, n Many dermatologists say they can tell which side of the face people are sleeping on according to the amount of wnkles, lift their heads to sleep on o pillows, or place the pillow on a 4-inch thick wood. Gravity s lymph and blood flow so that fluid does not accumulate, and carbohydrates wake up with clear cheekbones for a meal Don't eat ce, pasta and potatoes for a high ptein, low sugar dinner.

When o diet contains high glycemic carbohydrates, we feate a soft, soft look to minimize sleeping on a Satin Pillow case or weang yo hair on a silk scarf. These fab are much softer than cotton, which reduces fction and finds yo inner ballet dancer pile If you ist yo hair nd yo head in the morning, you will have a lot of volume and betiful waves.




2:招收新人,In the lndry, I noticed that I checked in at

1:00 p.m., so I told the shopkeeper that I wanted to pick up my clothes at

5:00 p.m., and the clothes were not ready, he said, but yo si says "stock at

1:00 p.m.", and I reminded him. He replied that he meant to remind him of my wting practice.

① where is the thor

② what he noticed

③ what is the requirement on the label Did you tell the owner what the brand does?

① He was in the cleaner's shop.

He noticed a si that said to buy at

1:00 p.m. he told the shopkeeper that he wanted to pick up his clothes at five o'clock.




3:招新,Ee5aeb welcome to the English club, which is a platform to demonstrate yo outstanding abilities and you dlop a sees of great skills. In the club, you can enjoy a vaety of activities, including putting on musicals, gup discussions and watching Oscar winning films. You will have many opportunities to participate in these activities.

Yo active participation will to impve yo communication Communication skills and interpersonal mament, thugh a vaety of activities, you can impve yo English ll. Good English skills make you competitive than yo peers in the competition. O office number is XXX (whatr and o email is XXX (the deadline is August


Join us and enjoy yoself.



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