英语作文难忘的一天_An unforgettable day 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-26 15:43:42 阅读:194 点赞:0

关于”难忘一天“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:An unforgettable day。以下是关于难忘一天四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An unforgettable day

It was Sunday. O teacher, Mr. Zhu, took us to a park nearby.

Usually we go to the park on holiday, but today we go there to take part in voluntary labor. We got there at nine o'clock. Mr.

Zhu divided us into three gups, and then we be to work. In the third gup, we went to the children's playgund and cleaned up all the equipment there. We worked very hard.

At about 11 o'clock, we finished o work. We met at the gate of the park. We were tired but happy.





One Fday morning, I was on my way to school by bike as usual. There were many people walking ctiously on the ad. Becse it was raining heavily, suddenly a cyclist came and hit me.

I fell off my bike and lay on the gund. But the cyclist ran away quickly. How angry I was at that time, an old man came up and asked me if I was seously ht.

I thank him for his and sent me to the hospital And finally left.




It's an unforgettable day. Everyone has an unforgettable day. Chstmas is coming.

One person is very happy and others are very sad. I had to go back to Singapore after holding my birthday party in Singapore. I didn't want to spend my birthday in Singapore.

So I spent my birthday and Chstmas together the next day. My sister and I went to the Chstmas shop and bought decorations to decorate the house, Then we went to buy presents to put at home. There were lots of fruits on the table, and the words "welcome to my home" were wtten on the door.

After that, happy Chstmas. On the second day of Chstmas, we decorated the whole om very betifully. My family got up early and waited for some people to be five minutes late.

I saw my uncle and his family coming to my house. There are so many people in o family. We are very excited to see all the people in fnt of me.

I think I am the hst person in the world. When all the people came to my house, we went to half of the hotel together. We were chatting and came to the hotel very funny.

My uncles and nts were sitting in one seat, my fends were sitting with me. The food on the table and any different juice were on the table. There was a very big and good cake in the middle of the table.

We ate on the one hand and talked on the other hand. Suddenly my mother came to me We said that ryone would like to say different congratulations to Bai Kun. Then the first one was my sister.

She said happy birthday and happy Chstmas to you. Everyone said it. I feel very grateful.

Although I didn't say thank you to my fends, I still forgot that sentence and their enthusia in the ning. Everyone sat on the sofa and watched Chstmas TV. My uncle played Call me and let me go to my bedom.

When he gave me the money, I came. In fact, I know what they mean is that they want me to css the ad and feel better in Singapore, but I don't want to take money, so I said to him, seeing that ryone of them gave me money, I wanted to cry. My grandmother was old and she gave me 100 yuan.

Although the money was a little all, I felt that the gift was very heavy and valuable. I would save the money for my work, but I would also repay them for their kindness I said a word to him faithfully, thank you. It was an unforgettable Chstmas.




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