
发布时间:2023-05-05 09:34:36 阅读:109 点赞:0

关于”南北方季节差异“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Seasonal differences beeen North and South。以下是关于南北方季节差异xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Seasonal differences beeen North and South

It is well known that Muslims nr eat pork, nor can Islamic belirs eat other animals unless Muslims kill animals. The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is the month of fasting. Ding this peod, Muslims can't eat or dnk ding the whole day of Hindus.

Cattle are sacred and beef is forbidden. In China, due to religious reasons, many Hindus go fther and are vegetaans. The influence of Taoi has led to a deep-oted belief in food as a way of longevity.

Therefore, food is considered to be medicinal. In Japan, all foods are classified according to their medicinal pperties. Due to the influence of Buddhist phibition on killing, compared with Chinese food, until the th centy At the end of the common consumption of meat, Western food is a mixte of meat and starch.

As a Chinese saying goes, "Cantonese are brave enough to eat anything with fo legs, except the table, anything that can fly, except aies.". In other words, they eat wild animals, many of which are taboo to people living in other areas, said one Afcan. I remember how afraid I was to order dogs, mice or other unimaginable delicacies when I first came to Shenzhen fm South Afca o months ago.





2:南北季节差异,As we all know, different countes have different cultes. Culte is a collective plan to distinguish one kind of people fm another. The influence of cultal differences on enterpses is inevitable.

For example, when a company is in a meeting, the word list they mentioned means putting something on the agenda in Amecan English, but in Btish English, it means putting something on the agenda Get off the agenda. This example shows how culte affects businesses. Hofstede's research defines fo cultal dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance.

The most important influence of cultal differences beeen individuali and masculini is power distance, which will determine the extent to which employees accept that their boss has power, and to what extent they accept the opinions and decisions of their supeors are correct, becse he or she is a bo In the most Eastern corporate culte of SAMON, there are hierarchy reasons, centralization, sometimes called power oented culte. Due to histocal reasons, this culte is a culte of high power distance. Mars make decisions and have greater demands for power.

In this case, the decision- of the mar is always closely supervised by the subordinates. If the subordinates do not agree with the mar, they will not be regarded as positive evaluation.





3:南北方季节差异,China is a big country with many different climates. In the south of China, the temperate changes little in summer and winter, but the climate in the North Central States is very different. In these countes, people wear light clothes in summer and heavy wool or f clothes in winter.

They live in southern China becse I hate the cold.



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