英语演讲稿关于中国文化_Speech Chinese culture 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-15 07:02:31 阅读:209 点赞:0

关于”演讲稿文化“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Speech Chinese culte。以下是关于演讲稿文化八级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Speech Chinese culte

Today, and foreiers are learning Chinese, which is a good si that China will play an important le in the world. Foreiers study Chinese culte. They are attracted by the diversity of Chinese culte.

Conius Institute has many foreiers studying Chinese culte and language all over the world. They hope to cooperate with Chinese businesen, becse they know the opportunities in the fute. Here, I begin to learn Chinese culte fm school, but I still feel that I still have a lot to learn fm China, which has a long history I am eager to learn about Chinese culte one day.

I can intduce Chinese culte to forei fends.




When dnking tea, Chinese people attach great importance to the behavior of "tea tasting" and "tea tasting". It is not only a way to distinguish good tea fm plain tea, but also how people can extract a little leise fm their busy work, make a pot of stng tea, and get a quiet , so as to intoxicate their re and dnk tea. Serving and dnking tea by themselves can to eliminate fatigue and frustration Impve thinking ability and stimulate enthusia.

You can also take a sip and enjoy the sule charm of tea until yo spit ses to a lofty aesthetic realm - architecte, gardens, decorations and tea sets are the elements of tea tasting atmosphere. The quiet, refreshing, comfortable and clean envinment is undouedly the ideal place for tea dnking. Chinese gardens are famous in the world, and there are countless betiful Chinese landscapes.

Tea houses are hidden in the garden, nestled in the natal bety, with betiful mountains and vers. It is a good place for people to rest and enjoy themselves. China is a country with ancient civilization and etiquette.

When guests come, make tea first, then serve tea. You can ask them what kind of tea they like and serve them tea in the most apppate cup. In the pcess of serving tea, the host usually needs to pay attention to how much water is left in the cup and the pot.

If it is brewed fm a teacup, it should be added with boiling water after half a cup. After dnking, the cup should be kept full, so that the tea can maintain the same floral fragrance and keep warm thughout the whole tea dnking pcess. Refreshments, desserts and other dishes can be served ding tea breaks to supplement the ama of tea and reli ger.

"Re: the joy of tea: get a quiet , slowly dnk a all" temptation "wine, until yo spit sublimation to a lofty aesthetic realm: in the pcess of tea, before the tea, so that the cup is filled, so the cup has been full.






Every year, the world is paying close attention to the Nobel Pze for literate. The winners will receive both fame and wealth, their wting career reach the peak of Chinese culte. China has a history of thousands of years and many great works are famous in the world.

Therefore, why Chinese wters have to go so long to win the Nobel Pze is that English, as an international language, is accepted by the world, Chinese great works need to be translated into English so that they can be read by the judges. But the bad thing is that in the pcess of translation, the artistic conception is lost to some extent, leaving only the main siificance. Therefore, we do not need to question o literate.

It is excellent and the world will see it one day.



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