
发布时间:2023-01-11 04:15:19 阅读:141 点赞:0

关于”dream演讲稿“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Dream's speech。以下是关于dream演讲稿xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Dream's speech

We all have a dream, and I am no exception. But how can we realize o dream? First of all, we should beli that we can make us do better. Then, we must try o best to realize o dream, although we will encounter difficulties.

Faile is the mother of success. We'd better take the ght attitude towards faile. We shouldn't give up.

We have to stick to o dreams and hopes for the fute becse we need that quality. In short, if we change ry day, in the long run, we will be very different. Thank you for o advice on how to realize o dream.






2:梦演讲,Good morning, dear teachers, what is fendship? The answer may be different, but it is clear that fendship is the most important part of life. Without fendship, we cannot svive. Just as we can't svive, fendship gives us a sense of secity and warmth.

Fendship encoages us to go forward and ryone needs fends. When we feel happy, we are eager to get fendship; when we are depressed, We can share o happiness with o fends; if we are art, fends will comfort us; fends can persuade us that they can make us confident and brave fends in the depressed time is valuable, it can touch yo heart, and give you hope that many people are pud of having a good fend. The true fendship must be sincere, can not be conditional if you have no reason for no reason To yo fends is just becse they are yo fends, which means you respect yo fends and fends as you are, and that is the true fendship.

Fendship should be based on mutual understanding, not on the basis of mutual benefit. If not, both sides must have similar ideals. Their fendship can not last long sometimes.

When people are young, they have good fends in school. But after graduation, when they work in society, their fendship will soon end. Knowing each other doesn't mean we should know rything about o fends.

On the other hand, they have similar ideals and mutual trust. Doing similar things can actually build fendship. Fendship is not always easy to maintain.

When you want to be with a fend, you should treat him or her as if you were treating others. Keep the secrets yo fends tell you, keep yo pmise, share with yo fends yo fends stand up for yo fends. We should try o best to ptect fendship fm harm.

As an old saying goes, fendship cannot always stand on the side. True fendship should stand all kinds of s, becse fendship, o life is full of happiness. So the fends we have, the we can share happiness with them.

Let's say thank you for the love and care of o fends. No matter where we go and who we are, nr forget to keep a good fendship.









3:dream演讲稿,Everyone has a dream, maybe one, maybe a lot, but many people beli that dream is a dream, it's like a dream, so we don't have to realize it. If that's what you want, I will not hesitate to say, "you're wng." maybe, you will understand why I said that, but you're wng. As we all know, chairman of Micsoft and bill guy Zi likes to study, read and think very much.

He was like this when he was a child. When he was

9 years old, he read an encyclopedia once. His mother's name was Bill Gate.

She ate with her, but Bill Gate was still lying in bed. "What's the matter, baby?" mother asked, "no, I'm thinking," Bill Gate answered that her mother asked Bill Gate's head to have pblems. I took him to see a psychologist After a peod of observation, the doctor said to his mother, "Bill Gates, if you have nothing to do, don't distb what he is doing." in the snth grade, Bill Gate had the opportunity to use his comr school.

He be to learn comr knowledge and operation since he was a child. When he was old, he could wte some pgrams. He was admitted to Harvard University.

Every day after school, Bill Gate always went to school to learn vaous kinds of things Bill Gates was very angry. He dpped out of Harvard University and founded his own company. It was Bill Gaty, the president of the world-famous Micsoft company.

Everyone in the company worked very hard. In order to desi sofare, he had worked all night. He had a great dream: let ryone Every family has a comr, which ntually becomes an independent tool.

He has realized his dream. He has made comrs come into all fields of o lives, changed the world we live in, and let us go out of the industal economy era and into the information economy era. The philosopher Shug lady once said: the hst thing in the world is to stve for the ideal.

Yes, bill· Gates no longer hope that I can contbute to the motherland, fm now on, I will work hard for my dream.



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