
发布时间:2023-05-14 03:48:42 阅读:116 点赞:0

关于”我和故事演讲稿“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My story and speech。以下是关于我和故事演讲稿初中英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My story and speech

Soon after retning fm visiting her dghter in the United States, an old Chinese woman went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars her dghter gave her into the bank counter. The clerk carefully checked whether each bill was true. This made the old lady lose patience.

She finally couldn't saying, "beli me, sir, I beli these money are real dollars. They are directly fm the United States.".




2:我故事和演讲,Everyone has a dream, that is, ryone yearns for life. People without dreams will be empty, but dreams always change with the pgress of yo mind. When I was in pmary school, I had a dream.

I hope one day I won't have homework to do, but the time we can play is less and less. One third of the time we are locked in the classom, So much time in the study, until I came to junior high school, I have a dream, I hope I can become a good child, I can get the praise of my family, I can get the affirmation of the school teachers, and in the near fute will be able to have outstanding performance among the students, howr, I have learned to struggle, after graduating fm middle school, ry day is very busy, sometimes angry Irtable, difficult to contl, but life let me understand the truth of slow life, I work hard, get up early and go to bed late ry day, grasp myself, do not relax all day, I am trying to find, and use the dream to stve for a better fute, chase up, use the goal, stren to tn up the dream, is a high bdge, whether it can reach the other side, to pcess the dream, to psue the dream, to make the dream come true Really, this is a kind of success, a kind of glory in the pcess of psuing dreams. O gwing dreams can ge people to make continuous pgress.

Maybe on this ad, we will encounter many difficulties and setbacks, but it doesn't matter. Where you fall is where you should stand. For yo dream and fute, the fute depends not only on luck, but also on o own fends We work together, becse I beli that no pain, no gain.




3:我和故事演讲稿,My fute when this song sings that my fute is not a dream, I love this song. It gives me confidence ry time I beli that all o dreams can come true if we have the coage to psue them. When I was young, my father always asked me what the fute would be.

Sometimes I found it difficult to give a positive answer. I wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to be a teacher.

I wanted to be a teacher Scientists, many of the answers may be very childish and diculous, but I nr think they are far away.



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