
发布时间:2023-12-08 09:15:14 阅读:46 点赞:0

关于”狮子王启示“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The rlation of the Lion King。以下是关于狮子王启示托福英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The rlation of the Lion King

A young lion pnce was born in Afca, which made his uncle ska the second successor to the thne. Scar and hyena conspired to kill King Mufasa and Pnce Simba, thus himself king of the king. Simba was led by scar and thought it was his flt.

Therefore, after years of exile, he fled the Kingdom in shame and was convinced to go home to overthw the usper, And claimed that the kingdom was its own, thus completing the "life cycle".




Can you feel the love tonight? Elton John lion king can you feel the love tonight? When the heat wave of the lling world can be dispelled, a charming moment, it let me see thugh this restless war, just need to be with you, can you feel the love tonight? It's enough for us to be there. Can you feel the love tonight for this wide eyed wanderer we've traveled so far? How does it rest? It's enough to convince the king and the tramps of the best of times, as long as they know that the isted kaleidoscope moves us in tn. When the heart of this star goes thugh, the outdoor wildness has a rhythm and reason.

r is with yo time.




Today, the teacher showed us the lion king. I was very moved. I learned a lot of truth.

I should be brave and stng. Don't learn scar to bully children. The general content is: Simba's father is the king of animals.

As long as there is a bght place full of Simba's father, there is no animal contl in the dark place, hyena, and a lion named Scar, It doesn't become the king of beasts. It wants to be tned into darkness by the scar of the king of beasts in the dark. The hyenas there are gry.

Scar says, "if you listen to me, I can't let you starve to death." scar's heart is bken. Scar sends three hyenas to chase the cattle back and run forward. When Simba is there, Simba's father runs faster than Simba's, and Simba's father goes to rescue Simba, Simba's father soon became a stone.

Simba's father became a running bull middleman. Simba's father came back, but don't let the scar. Simba's father pulled it up and couldn't lift Simba's father up.

With his hands, Simba let Simba's father fall into the cattle. Simba's father was trampled to death by the cattle. Simba said, "run away." Simba ran to Sen Linli, he found o fends of Simba.

Simba and the o fends had been having a good time. After a peod of time, a lion came to persuade him to go back quickly, or we would not starve to death. He went to the scar and fought.

Simba won. Simba was brave, art, stng and bad. This story is very good.

I like Simba. When Simba is in tuble Not afraid, stng and brave, don't like scar when the devil, this movie is very good, I like it.



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