
发布时间:2023-12-21 07:21:06 阅读:123 点赞:0

关于”感受自然“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Feel nate。以下是关于感受自然雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Feel nate

Most of the water is in the ocean or locked in ice. The largest amount of fresh water is stored undergund, just like gundwater. Imagine that there is only one bucket of water in the world, and there is only one spoonful of water on land, and there is only one dp of water that we can use.

Now I would like to remind you that this dp of water in Pas has a very betiful ver. It csses the city, dnks coffee ding the day, chats on the bank at night, enjoys the betiful scenery, flies fm the ver to the sky, this ver attractive. The Seine River is a famous symbol of France, and there is a modern city on the West Bank of the Pacific Ocean.

Another ver in Shanghai used to be a very important traffic important The ad, thugh the center of the city, is rred as "mother.". It's "Suzhou River, but I'm se few of you will sit by it and pass by here. There is a pungent ell of water rywhere.

I have to say it's very dirty here. We all know that there are many betiful vers in the world, which share the same fate with Suzhou River. I can't asking who is the devil? Many human activities and their by-pducts may pollute the water.

Please take a look at the banks of the ver. Large and all industal enterpses discharge dirty water. Tons of garbage are thwn into the ver.

The water content of the ver is too large to be self-cleaning. Compared with the rapid dlopment of many places in Shanghai, Suzhou River has become a black spot in the city. Now the government has contlled the situation.

We are very happy to see that Some parts of the ver have become clean again. We can n find fish at some time. The unique earth is the only planet full of life.

Water is like the blood in the body. Ptecting water is to save oselves and not waste a dp of water. Otherwise, my dear fends, human beings are still facing great difficulties in solving envinmental and dlopment pblems On the way forward, Chinese middle school students will always cooperate with the young people in the world to ptect their envinment.

The fute is o construction. Thank you for listening to Shanghai Fudan middle school.



它是“苏州河,但我相信你们中很少有人会坐在它旁边路过这里,到处都是刺鼻水腥味,我不得不说这里非常脏,我们都知道世界上有很多美丽河流也和苏州河有着同样命运,我不禁要问谁是魔鬼?许多人类活动及其副产品都有可能污染水,请你一起来看看江岸,大小工业企业排放脏水,成吨垃圾被扔进河里,河水含水量大到无法自我净化,与上海许多地方迅猛发展相比,苏州河已经成为城市面貌一个,现在已经控制了局势,我们很高兴看到河流一些地方又变净了,我们甚至可以在某个时候找到鱼‰独特地球是唯一一个充满生命星球,水就像活跃体内血液一样,保护水是为了节约我们自己不浪费一滴水,否则,我亲爱朋友们,人类在解决环境和发展问题上仍然面临着巨大困难,还有一项艰巨任务要做,在前进道路上,中学生们将永远与世界上年轻人合作,保护他们环境 未来是我们建设ԡ感谢收听 上海复旦中学。


This summer, I feel very excited becse I go to work in McDonald's. This is the first time I've made my own money. I think this is the most meaningful summer of my life.

I used to be a boy (girl) and like to play s, especially comr s. I was lazy and free in my free time. I nr thought that in order to pass the time, I n spent a whole day sleeping.

But this time I changed a lot. I ted my best to find a job in McDonald's and performed very well. I learned a lot and made some new fends, which let me know that the world is full of light, and I will nr forget this expeence.





Green grass, blue lakes and betiful mountains are waiting for you. Welcome to the colorful nate park. There is a clean ver.

There are some colorful flowers. There is a betiful mountain near the nate park. The air is fresh.

The sky is blue. The clouds are white. The trees are green.

The grass is green. I can run on the grass. There are many fish in the lake Howr, there is a forest in the park, there are many trees on the mountain, there are many flowers on the mountain, there are some birds on the side of the path, one, o, three Oh, so Manyi likes this nate park, I am very excited.



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