
发布时间:2023-10-27 01:32:58 阅读:49 点赞:0

关于”招聘广告及“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Recruitment advertising and。以下是关于招聘广告及专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Recruitment advertising and

Job descption Raleigh office recruitment assistant the candidate will assist the hing director in performing his duties, including but not limited to maintaining a national database, leading induction training for new employees, and identifying potential employees who must be pficient in MS Office and peopleclick sofare this position requires a high degree of pfessionali and attention to detail. All applicants for U.S. vacancies must be thozed to work in the United States.

All applicants for Canadian vacancies must be thozed to work in Canada: peopleclick sofare is pficient in MS The office team is the global leader in pfessional executive staffing, offeng opportunities ranging fm istrative assistants to office s and receptionists. We have the resoces, expeence and expertise to choose companies and temporary or full-time positions that meet yo skills and career goals. We pvide industry-leading training, benefits and compensation.

Contact yo local office team, or Office team is an equal opportunity employer.


职位描述罗利公司办公室招聘该候选人将主要协助招聘主管履行职责,包括但不限于全国数据库,新员工入职培训,以及识别潜在员工个人必须精通MS Office和Peopleclick软件此职位要求高度专业化和对细节高度关注所有申请职位空缺申请人必须获得授权在工作所有申请加拿大职位空缺申请人必须授权在加拿大工作资格:Peopleclick软件精通MS Office办公团队是全球专业行政人员配置者,提供从行政到办公室经理和接待员工作机会,我们拥有资源,经验和专业知识选择符合您技能和职业目标公司和临时或全职职位我们提供行业最先进培训、福利和薪酬待遇联系您当地办公室团队,或致电了解更多有关此工作OfficeTeam是一个机会均等雇主。


Commitment is very important. I hate people who break their pmises. People who can't keep their pmises were unreliable.

My fend asked me to go to his company. Becse he was at home alone, his parents were busy working at first. I pmised him, but that day, I had a lot of things to do.




Mate, energetic, honest and honest, excellent mament ability, working independently, mate, resoceful, capable and flexible people should have stable personality and high sense of responsibility, have multicultal and diversified working ability, work actively, job seekers are ambitious, active, independent, good communication skills, willing to work under presse, learn to be able to Stng, willing to take responsibility, mate, self motivation, good interpersonal skills, fashion people, cheerful and mate personality, stng determination to succeed, stng leadership ability, cooperation with others, pactive, reliable, healthy, cheerful personality, independent operation ability, stng leadership ability, team spit, high orizational ability and work efficiency, willing to Willing to learn and pgress, good expression ability, positive attitude, can effectively deal with all lls of personnel, have a positive attitude, willing and able to work hard without supervision, young, art, energetic, have a stng sense of enterpse, good personnel mament and communication skills, team spit, can work under high presse and time limit , elet, good personality, good mament and orization ability. The main qualities required are hard work, learning ability, ambition, good health, good social relations, initiative, creativity and innovation spit, and good ytical ability.



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