
发布时间:2023-05-24 11:17:32 阅读:281 点赞:0

关于”对我影响最大人“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The person who has the grea impact on me, mom。以下是关于对我影响最大人初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The person who has the grea impact on me, mom

(the most affected person in my life) my life is influenced by many people, but who is the most influential person? My answer must be Ms. He, who was my English teacher in junior high school. She was very fat and wore a pair of thick glasses, so in fact, when she first appeared in o class, we didn't like her.

Just when she started talking, we were attracted Different fm other teachers, she is very warm-hearted and always iles. We also found that she was knowledgeable just after graduation. She had no teaching expeence, but it doesn't matter.

Later, I learned that she made great efforts in her work. In class, she often practiced contlling ile in fnt of the r. For a girl who likes to lgh very much, it is very difficult for us to contl her ile They all like to chat with her after class.

She can understand us very well. After listening patiently, she will give us suggestions or ways to deal with things. This is absolutely correct.

Miss he has won the respect of all of us who have graduated sral years ago. But we still miss her very much. We often send greetings and wishes to her (:) she has set a good example for me.

I will try my best to learn fm her, not only in Teaching, but also in human diity.



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